
Turn up the heat this Valentines Day...with a partner WOD!

W.O.D. 2.14.09

Each partner must share the work load and complete a portion of the below while the other partner continually holds a bumper plate over head. (Ladies#25/Gentlemen#45). If the bumper plate touches the ground at any time, each partner must complete 50 burpees. The bumper plate cannot rest on any object or body part, it must be held over head. Exercises can be completed in any order.

50 Wallballs

75 Kettelbell swings

100 Push Ups

150 Sit-Ups

200 Squats

800 M Run


"The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."

-Allan K. Chalmers


Jen/Jim 27:11 (35#)

Miranda/Jeff 22:47 (25#)

Mike/Aimee 19:45 (35#)

Nicole/Chris 25:50 (25#)

Hannah/Tim 26:05 (35#)

Paul/Jill 21:50 (25#)

Joe/Dawn 35:46 (45/25/10/5#)

Ray/Dana Rae 23:42 (25#/5#)


  1. jim wants to know if he can just hold the plate while i do everything else!

  2. Dude, I like the way you think; however, that plate is going to get painfully heavy about 2 minutes into this. My delts and traps are on fire just thinking about it. In addition, Jen will probably require that you pick up her 50 burpees plus your 50 after that plate inevitably hits the floor. You may have to rethink this strategy.

  3. Thanks Aimee. Dana Rae had a blast, and she is quite proud of her t-shirt. We stopped at the Converse outlet on the way home, and she had to get a pair of old school Chuck Taylor's like the old man. She will be ready for power cleans now!

  4. Miranda, congrats on the great time with the world's best husband! Hope you enjoyed the loan!

  5. This was a complete disaster. I couldn't even get my hands over my head by the end.

  6. I'm pretty sure everyone except Mike and I owe 10 burpees per class until December!
    I saw so much cheating going on after I finished I'm not sure if everyone understood that the bumper plate was to remain overhead??? -Aimee

  7. Ray- bring Dana Rae back any time, we need to get Evan's kids, Danielle A. and Jen and Jim's kids all together for a CrossFit Kids WOD soon!

  8. cheaters cheaters cheaters. the stories that i hear. tsk tsk tsk. i leave and the moral just goes to shit. i tell you....
