
Joe's Deadlift form ROCKS!
W.O.D. 1.21.09

Deadlift 225 (scale as appropriate)
Box Jump
Ring Dip

Forward Roll with Jeff Tucker by CrossFit Again Faster - video [wmv] [mov]

Another Video:
73% of body height -- that's what Clark (of CrossFit Fire) jumped when he nailed 52": Video.

"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential."
-Liane Cordes

Jason 14:44
Joe 24:55
Paul 14:32
Scott 9:40
Doreen (105lbs) 13:18


  1. Squeezed in a quick WOD at Crossfit USA in Connecticut last night. That place had all the toys, I almost skipped teh wod to play on the C2s, ropes, pegboard, rings, etc.

    Wow! You guys killed the push-ups, i only got 37 before breaking form. This needs work.

    then 3 rounds of the following in 11:32:
    row 500m
    21-15-9 pullups
    21-15-9 k-bell swings

  2. Awesome Doug! You will be happy to know there is a C2 its way to CFKoP today :-)

  3. Nice score on the C2 rower Aimee!!
    What's next... GHD? or Doug gave me an idea... How about we make a Peg Board!

    Jason, Awsome job with the vest!! Not sure I coulda done burpees with an extra 40.

  4. Yes, C2!! actually, I had forgotten how exhausting the rower can be, maybe i should just be scared.

    I vote yes on the Pegboard! Especially if i can use i with my ice tools...

  5. Peg Board- that sounds like a good time! I had planned a little Fran for Friday, but I'm thinking maybe I might introduce everyone to Jackie instead so we can get a taste of the C2!

  6. Here's a suggestion- Since Fran tends to be on the lighter side of 20 min. Do Fran followed by a competition - Tabata Row for highest # of calories

  7. being banned is an awful feeling. i feel like a moron and it makes me sad that i cannot do this workout.
