
When all the 20lb Med Balls are gone, why not wear a 40 lb weight vest for the WOD?

W.O.D. 1.20.09
Max Push-Ups
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 Burpees
15 Med-Ball Cleans
20 Sit-Ups

Articles on Chalk:
"How to use chalk" from Again Faster and "ouch!" from Crossfit One World.


"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever."
-Lance Armstrong

Scott 7 rounds Max PU 60
Hannah 5 rounds Max PU 18
Doreen 6 rounds Max PU 20
Paul 7 rounds Max PU 45
Jeff H 5 rounds Max PU 35
Jason 3 rounds w/ 40 lb weight vest Max PU 39
Jill 5 rounds Max PU 10
Nicole 4 rounds Max PU 6


  1. aim & evan-thanks for pushing me to get that clean. even if you were tricking me. i apperciate the help!

  2. So if you don't have a med ball for the med ball clean, and you're trying to do this work out, what would you do instead?

  3. Han-the mind is an amazing thing right!?! Nice work on 95!
    Laura-you could use dumbells or a barbell for the cleans. Or sub squats if you are at home and not at a gym.

  4. use a bowling ball or get a basketball and cut a slit in it and fill it with sand and then duct tape it back together.

  5. Hannah,
    I believe you could have done more than 95. Next time!

  6. Funny Quote I came across on a Crossfit affiliate website...
    Everytime you miss a crossfit workout, god kills a kitten. Please think of the kittens.

  7. Aimee are you going to the Crossfit games???!!!

  8. Jill-I'm considering going to the regional qualifier. But I'm on the fence still :-)

  9. Wow Jason that's involved solution for med ball cleans. I can't make class tonight so I was contemplating trying to do the workout on my own...I'll let you know if I find a basketball, sand, and try the duct tape. You forgot to remind me about the water in my trunk too to bring in for everyone, so now its all frozen!

  10. I never got back to KOP today, so I did this from home, and I got to use my new Dynamax ball.

    Max Push-Ups: 44

    4 complete rounds plus 10 burpees in 20 minutes.

    1000 Meter Sprint Row: 4:59

    For max push ups, I did the most that I could do in one set resting only momentarily in the up position. I stopped when I dropped and could not immediately push back up again. Is that right?

    I probably could have gotten 5 rounds in with a little peer pressure. I was really focusing on the med ball clean form, so that slowed me down a bit. A great fast home workout though.

    I may see if I can drag my ass out of bed in the AM. If not, then I will probably be in Friday.

  11. Dude, burpees and situps had to be deadly with that vest. Nice job.

  12. I did a modified version of today's WOD at FAC - in case anyone saw me in the window. I used the heaviest med ball they had, which was 5kg, which is only 11 lbs.

    I got 7 full rounds, and then 10 burpees and 15 medball cleans. And didn't do the max pushups - its hard and unmotivating to work out by yourself!
