
Early morning handstands.
W.O.D. 1.7.09
5 Rounds for time:
7 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
10 Hand Stand Push-Ups
50 Squats

Efficient Running.
Pose Method of running

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly."
- Buddha

Lisa 20:04 (65lbs)
Doug 24:19 Rx'd
Jason 27:00 Rx'd
Paul 18:11 (95lbs)
Tim P. 22:04 (95lbs)


  1. ouch, just ouch. that is all i can say. my deltoids are once again destroyed.

  2. I'm glad I didn't come to this workout this morning, I think all I would have been able to do would have been squats! The handstand pushups look crazy!

  3. is that lisa's butt in the corner of the picture? hot ass girl!

  4. Hand stand pushups at 06:00. You folks either had "Wile E Coyote" supergenious brain power for the rest of the day due to the blood flow to the brain, or you had massive headaches.

    Survey says......

  5. OK. I tried to do the hand stand push ups, but my 8 year old daughter came in and started to try it, and we both started busting up laughing at each other. So, I did a Met Con similar to Fight Gone Bad to get ready for Saturday:

    3 Rounds w/ 35 lb KB:

    10L/10R KB Push Press
    20 KB SDLHP
    10L/10R KB Suitcase 20" Step-Ups
    10 KB Thrusters
    1 Minute Rowing at Max Intensity
    1 Minute rest

    It was hard to time myself, but each station took a little less than a minute, so I could have banged out more reps against a 1 minute clock if I had an interval timer running. The heart rate was cycling in the range of 145 bpm to 155 bpm, so it was a good Met Con in the aerobic range even if the weight was on the light side.

    Yep, I was using that cedar chest again for step ups. I am dead if I didn't get all the foot prints off.
