
The Fundamentals of Kipping
Kipping Workshop -Wednesday, February 11th at 6:30-7:30PM
Cost of the workshop $10

Do you need to increase your capacity for work and power on the Pull Up bar?
Are you W.O.D. times suffering as you kick your feet and swim your chin up the pull up bar?
Learn how to develop the momentum in the horizontal plane and then divert it to a vertical direction to increase work capacity and POWER!
Who doesn't want more work in less time!?

Learn how to take the following words on kipping and apply them on the bar:
"-push the chin and shoulders forward-violently close the shoulders pulling the chin to the bar-lean back, push the bar away-the body drives forward at the bottom...and repeat!?

Learn how this skill (and transfer of power from the lower extremities to the upper) resonates to the snatch and clean.

Greater intensity=Better Results=Better Fitness.
Get some!
*Post to comments if you will be attending the workshop!


  1. I'm in, I need all the help I can get!

  2. Jeff and I will be there.

    Although I wonder, can fat-bottomed girls kip? :-)

  3. night class. cant make it.

  4. I can't make it, I'll be in Denver, or technically on the plane to Denver.
