
Balls to the wall.
W.O.D. 12.08.08

150 Wall-Balls for time

Holiday Notes:

We have scheduled our 1st Annual Holiday Outing for Thursday, December 18th at Rock Bottom. The outing is for all CrossFit KoP members, CrossFit friends, relatives and significant others...all are welcome. The festivities will begin at 5:00 PM for all that can make it for "Happy Hour"...or anytime after...even if you just stop by to say "Hi" or for a quick drink; please join us in celebrating friends, CrossFit and the Holiday Season! If you have interest, please post to comments if you will be attending so we can reserve a special space for everyone!

"No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow."
-Alice Walker

Tim M. (20) 10:28
Doreen (14) 6:30
Hannah (14) 9:13
Lisa (14) 8:57
Miranda (10) 7:16
Jeff S. (18) 9:55
Jen C. (10) 6:59
Jeff H. (20) 13:54
Jon (18) 20:36
Jason (20) 10:05
Paul (20) 11:38
Laura (14) 8:23
Tim P. (20) 13:34
Doug (20) 9:08


  1. "Let’s be absolutely clear, there is nothing that a man can do in the gym, on the field, in the ring or anywhere else that a woman can’t do too." ~love that quote from the article!

    Tim and I will be there next thursday! count us in!

  2. I'm there

    Drinks are on me....NOT

  3. 1 - I freakin' LOVE the new space! (the ch-ch-chia seeds, Hmmm.... not so much)

    2 - Pencil me in for one quick beer and one sippy-cup of milk on the 18th - Me and my 2yo little girl. Subject to change due to crankiness.

    3 - So... Aimee... I saw you had an ipod boombox. Are you accepting guest DJs?

  4. Count me in, a great way to celebrate the season!

  5. I'll be there.

    We should do the "ANNIE" workout tomorrow.

  6. I'll try to stop in for a drink and say Hi!

    I see Doug doesn't like the chia but I bet he would have eaten the chocolate muffins!

    Has anyone checked on Jon? Or did the Wall Balls get him..

  7. I am alive. I had to pull over on my way home last night for a quick nap.
    I have a work dinner that I must attend on the 18th, but it will be in KOP, so I will stop by Rock Bottom for a drink or two after.

  8. I loved eating the chia head seeds. I always wanted a chia pet but my parents never got one for me.

    Anyway, I think guest DJ's would be GREAT. I would be game for that as well. I could make some fire me up playlists.

    I will also be there, as always on Thursdays. I welcome everyone to join each and every Thursday.

    There are too many Jeff's and Tim's in class.

  9. Count me and Tim P and possibly my sister (as a guest and maybe a crossfit guest for one class too!).

    The new space is great, except that before when doing wall balls we just had to throw it up as high as we could...hitting 8ft (or 10 for the guys) every time is much harder!

  10. Jason is right, too many Jeff's, Tim's, and Joe's, from now on you can call me Hector-Raul Ramuirez Gonzales III. Very cool new space, good luck and from new beginnings come great things. -(Diego)

  11. That does not sound very Lithuanian. I think you should be called Zilvinas.

  12. So glad you all can attend! I'm sure it will be a festive event as our chia seeds should be sprouting by then!

    Jon- Glad your okay, no wall-balls for hummm...a few days...or so:-)

    Joe A.-We know you can pick up alot of weight, but now picking up the tab, that's impressive. Thanks!

    Doug- Are you just bringing your daughter so you don't need to eat the chia seeds? Guest DJ's or iPods/iPhones or any other playlists are always welcome. No need for the FCC this is CrossFit and we FINALLY have music!

    Laura- Congrats on that 1/2 Marathon time! and please bring your sister to class!

    Raul-I've been wishing my whole life to meet a Hector-Raul Ramuirez Gonzales III, gosh, that's gonna take up the entire white board now!

    Jason- great, I know what your getting for Xmas! ch-ch-cha-CHIA!

    I assume that's Tim M. who wants Annie...your choice tomorrow, Power Cleans or Annie :-)
