
Place your vote here.
As we search for a quote/slogan for the first run of CrossFit KoP Tshirts we wanted your opinion. Post vote to comments or any other slogan ideas! Thanks Hannah for some of the recommendations!
  • "It is that little bit of insanity that keeps us all sane."
  • "DO or DO NOT. There is no Try."
  • "Show me your snatch."
  • "My sport is your sport's punishment."
  • "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
  • "Don't judge it, just do it."
  • "A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
  • "Routine is the enemy."
  • CrossFit (kros-fit) Being in such a state as to be or seem ready to do or to suffer something.
  • "If it was easy it would be your mom"
  • "Work hard. See results."
  • "Don't just do it. Do it for time."
  • "Our women warm up with your PR."
  • "There's fit and then there's CrossFit."
  • "Where blowing your WOD in under 3 minutes isn't a bad thing."
  • "got calluses?"


  1. This is from a little known movie called Ski Patrol and they had this crazy snowboarder and his motto was.....

    "Live life, taste death"

    I like that one.

  2. There's plenty of good ideas there, but I would vote against those involving sexual innuendo... just too corny.

    Another option: "it doesn't have to be fun to be fun"

  3. I like the following three in no particular order.

    If it was easy it would be your mom

    Routine is the enemy

    Show me your snatch

  4. I'll throw in my 2 cents, I like
    "my sport is your sport's punishment"
    "don't just do it, do it for time"
    "our women warm up with your PR"

    and thanks to all for making me feel like part of the family yesterday, looking forward to working with everyone again

  5. What about

    Crossfit KOP
    It'll go right to your thighs


    Crossfit KOP The It in Fit

    Crossfit KOP This ain't no elliptical

    Crossfit KOP I do burpees to wind down

    Crossfit KOP If its worth going go hard

    Crossfit KOP I feel alive when I'm out of breath

    Joe Abraham

  6. I agree with Doug, no sexual innuendos...
    i like "Crossfit KOP It'll go right to your thighs."

    but everything sounds good to me!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    I like "There's fit and then there's CrossFit" and "Crossfit KOP It'll go right to your thighs."

  8. Work Hard, Grow Strong

    Some Pain, All Gain

  9. How about

    AMRAP anyone?

  10. Boo Doug and Hannah - I love "show me your snatch". I'll even a personalized one made up!!

    How about "where's the bucket?"

    Thanks for an awesome workout today....

    Big O
