
You are never too old for CrossFit

So, I really don't think you are ever too old to CrossFit. The pic above features Bob during his T-Push-ups!! GO BOB! Bob is 70 years old and I've seen him in more classes than most, he hails from Armenia and has the stamina and training age above most! No, the classes I'm talking about are NOT Silver Sneakers (or slippers) as I often refer to it as...he attends the actual CrossFit classes. Yes, he modified todays workout "slightly" but needless to say, he completed it and with fantastic enthusiasm and form.

Our Hero's workout was "Michael"- In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, 30 of Portville NY, who was killed in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005.
3 Rounds for time:
Run 800M
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit ups

...and we finished the class with 3 rounds of Push-ups (6), Pledge Push-ups (3L/3R) and T-Push-ups (3L/3R)...FANTASTIC!!!!

Paul 17:06
Doreen 16:53
Hannah 24:29
Lisa 18:38
Tanya 19:08
Jason 22.17
Jeff 20:11
Bob 23:20
Nicole 22:30

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