
Aimee's Dirty 30...

Ladies and Gentlemen, our 3rd CrossFit Class at F.A.C. this was a modification and scale down from the "Filthy Fifty". We took it outside today in the heat. All exercises were 30 except the Burpees...due to the fact that someone wiped them off the board...hummm, wonder who that was? Burpees were 50
Nice work all, results below:
Orla 13:25 (those PT sessions must be paying off! Fantastic!)
Erica 13:49
Betsy 14:54
Gerard 15:13
Chengiz 15:30
Ken 15:50
Patti 16:30
Nicole 16:40
Jason 18:27
Peg and Jim DNF


  1. whatever you do, DON'T EVER TOUCH AIMEE'S EQUIPMENT!!!

    ps. It wasn't me....I swear!!

  2. I will NEVER mess with her equipment again.......can't wait until tomorrow! A FULL HOUR PATTI RIGHT????
    BIG O

  3. Everyone cheats! I want to see deeper squats and higher box jumps. BOOOOO!

  4. Jason, you totally did way better box jumps than any of us!!! you're a rock star.... Big O

  5. I may have done a higher box jump but you still DESTROYED my time. I am but an insignificant speck compared to you.

    Little J

  6. No Way! i heard about your squats with 50lbs this morning...i wasn't even able to handle the bar!!
    You rock Big J
