
Liz...Valhalla Fridays

Liz, Liz, Liz, where to start, she should be the inspiration for everyone, to aspire to a new level of fitness in every facet of her life, every day! Liz and I met at Valhalla as spin instructors...and more recently, we both have an amazing passion for CrossFit. So many Friday's I go back to my old stomping ground in Reading at the Valhalla to teach and train...
Liz put forth an amazing effort on Friday:
4 Rounds for time, 400m run/sprint, 35 KB swings, 15 Knees to Elbows...I can't take full credit for this one, My friend Barry from Crossfit Generation in Hatboro kicked my butt on this one a few weeks ago!
Way to get it done Liz! See you soon!

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