
W.O.D. 12.22.14

 Congratulations to Jerry who finished 3rd at Masters Madness!

Congratulations to Keith and Farah for the completion of the L2 CrossFit Course!

First meet in the books for Sarah, silver for Miranda, Jocelyn with silver and PRs on everything...Congrats!

Heavy Day

Wall Ascents

Max Wall Ascents in 5 Minutes. 

Up coming courses at CrossFit KoP:
CrossFit Kids March 14th and 15th, 2015
CrossFit Level 1 January 24th and 25th, 2015 

Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning. 
-Desmond Tutu


1st time wall ascents---the celebration shot!

Thanks for the visit Melinda (Mel!)


  1. 6/7 am
    Nick C 325, 11climbs @8ft
    Alex L 265, 10@ 8'
    Farah 225, 9@ 8'
    Mark R --, 10@8'

    Hope you guys felt strong, bc you looked strong today.

  2. Alejandra 133 (1 6ft)
    Melinda (Mel) 255 (7 6ft)
    Fran 135 (attempts)
    Jill H 225 (1 6ft)
    Jackie 250 (5 6ft)
    Manisha 145 (5 6ft)

  3. Jon P 365 13-6ft 7-8ft
    Kevin 305 14-6ft
    Erika 153 1-6ft
    Denise 220 8-6ft
    Zak 385 13-6ft 7-8ft

  4. Fun classes today!
    Josh 325 PR (15 to 8 ft)
    Ellie 205 (12 to 16ft) - nice to have you in class!!!
    Erik 255 PR!! (14 to 6ft)
    Jenna 215 PR! (10 to 6ft)
    Shane 255 PR! (13 to 8ft)

    you all really brought the intensity in the Wall Ascents!! and of course the deads...nice PR day!

    Regi 185 (6 to 6ft) attempts to 8ft
    Justin R 325 PR (10 to 8ft)
    Roman 335 PR (11 to 8ft)
    John Mc 285 (7 to 8ft)
    Chris B 275 PR (7 to 6ft)
    Mike C 335 PR 10 to 6ft
    Rich A 365 (10 to 8ft)
    Ly 193 (10 to 6ft)

    that was more than 80% 4:30...way to get after it!

    Shawna 140 form (attempts)
    Jason I 335 (11 to 8ft)
    Arieanne 165 (attempts)
    Marci 185 PR!!! (attempts)
    Luke 215 FS 11 to 8 ft
    Tim H 385 PR! attempts to 8 ft
    Matt H 245 PR! 9 to 8ft

    solid dedication to form today 5:30!

  5. 6:30

    Brian T 135x5 8@6'
    Conn 305 11@8'
    Stephanie C 185 4@6'
