


(22.3 repeat) 

For time: 21 pull-ups 
42 double-unders 
21 thrusters (weight 1) 
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups 
36 double-unders 
18 thrusters (weight 2) 
15 bar muscle-ups 
30 double-unders 
15 thrusters (weight 3) 

Time cap: 
12 minutes 
♀ 65, 75, 85 lb (29, 34, 38 kg) 
♂ 95, 115, 135 lb (43, 52, 61 kg)

CLICK HERE to view the workout, standards and score card

If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable. 
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca


  1. 6am
    Alex 164 Rx
    Bill 201 35#/ all jumping pull ups/ singles
    Brennan 166 sc
    Larissa 138 Rx
    Brian 166 singles
    Tucker 153 Rx
    Kevin 169 sc
    Jess 201 sc

  2. Noon
    Rakshit 138 Rx
    Edwin 156 Rx
    Pam 168 Rx
    Rich 210 Rx
    Sarah 208 banded pull ups for the set of 18
    Eric 156 Rx
    Pete 149 Rx
    Megs 9:40 single arm ring rows, single DB thruster, wiffle ball jumps
    Gent 171 DB thruster 35lb (set of 21) 45lb DBs (sets of 18 and 15)

  3. 9:30
    Jackie 158, 10.19 Rx
    Aimee 11:44 Rx
    Cate 160, 8:34 Rx
    Trevor 150, 3:49 Rx
    Matty Bo 156, 9:28 Rx
    Mary 147, 5:56 Rx
    Dana H 169, 8:50 Rx
    Chloe 156, 8:14 Rx
    Sydney 138, 5:59 Rx
    John 150, 3:50 Rx

  4. Masters
    Lisa 154, 4:27 masters scaled
    Lee 86, 5:42 Rx
    Jordan 160 scaled
    Ali 156 scaled

  5. Masters
    Kathy 169, 10min jumping pull ups and singles
    Teresea 139, 3:45 scaled
    Richard D 84, 4:12 scaled
    Steve Zipf 201, 9:40 bent over row/ singles/ 15# thruster/ jumping pull ups/ 20# thrusters/ jumping pull ups/ 25# thruster
    Lisa 154, 4:27 scaled

  6. 4:30
    Jeff 10:27 Rx
    Ben 8:17 Rx
    Mike D 206 Rx
    Lauren 6:41 Rx
    Shannon 208, 7:10 Rx
    Abby 96 2:42 scaled
    Corbin 157 8:50 Rx
    Graysen 160 9:12 scaled
    Korynne 208 7:10 Rx
    Donnell 11:44 foundations
    Matt P 156 9:26 Rx
    Grace 11:02 5:56 Rx
    Greg 156 11:52 Rx
    Christina 205 8:19 foundations
    Freaky 168 6:54 Rx
    Evan 129 8:19 Rx
    Danielle G 156 8:20 Rx
    Sai 84 3:24 scaled
    Sravanh 156 65#/ 75# jumping pull ups/ banded pull ups/ singles
    Danielle 9:41 foundations

  7. 9:41 scaled (jumping pull ups, pull ups, pull ups, singles, 45#/55#/65#)

  8. Adrian 162 7:39 Rx
    Karolina 208 8:12 Scaled/Found
    Karen K 207 Found
    John 172 Found
    Chet 156 Scaled
