

For time:
100 Double Unders
15 Push Jerks 
25 Hang Power Cleans
50 Front Squats
25 Hang Power Cleans
15 Push Jerks
100 Double Unders

(Ladies 95#/ Gentlemen 135#)

ADVENT Day 23: 
1 Max Set of Strict Pullups  
(or Banded Pullups or Ring Rows) 

Community Notes:
12 Days of Christmas Heats will take place tomorrow at 9:00/10:00/11:00 AM, wear your ugliest Christmas sweater or most festive outfit!

"Christmas gives us an opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things around us." 
—David Cameron


  1. 9:30
    Colette 12:00 rx
    Jeff 12:09 rx
    Aimee 13:51 75#
    Jackie 16:35 80#
    Mary 16:54 55# 60 dubs
    Sydney 18:35 55# 50/100 dubs
    Matty Bo 18:47 115#
    Dana D 17:58 80#

  2. nooner
    Sarah 19:00 2:00 DUA 55#
    Megs 13:46 1:30 C2 DB/DL 25#
    Pam 17:55 Rx
    Ben 11:49 rx
    Grace 13:30 rx
    Rich A 17:32 rx
    Noah 17:58 75# 35 DU
    Edwin 16:36 115#
    Eric 18:10 115#
    Carl 14:59 110#
    Gordy 14:30 SU 75#
    Ryan S 15:19 85#
    Laura 12:43 10/20/30 reps AS 35DU
    Danielle 15:38 rx
    Shannon 16:54 rx
    Freaky 16:36 rx
    Gent 20:00 65# DUA
    Mckenna 14:00 20:00 DUA/ 2# 40 Squats
    Abby 13:58 35# 35DU
    Jamie 12:20 rx

  3. Home gym life of Lauren:

    100 sit ups for both dub rounds
