

All for Time: 

Strict Pull-ups

Between Each Set:
10/12 Calorie Air Bike
12 Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)
12 Burpees Over Dumbbell

Coaches notes: If strict pull-ups are easy challenge yourself with strict C2B or Weighted Pull-ups

The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude' 
-Oprah Winfrey


  1. 6am

    Miguel(drop-in) 27:40 35
    Tucker 24:01 35
    Larissa 27:32 25
    Jess 29:29 BPU
    Jamie 25:14 Rx
    Subhan 25:30 (10-8-4-6-2-2) 8 burpees
    Brennan 34:10 35 BPU
    Kevin 34:10 35 BPU

  2. 9:30
    Alex B 26:11 band 20#
    Megs 26:40 sc
    Cate 28:13 sc
    Aimee 24:27Rx
    Erini 24:44 Rx
    Mary 24:24 sc
    Jessie 25:51 sc

  3. Noon
    Meredith 25:10 band
    Bala 26:12 15# 10 reps to 5 reps
    Jordan 26:30 10 reps less pu band 30/25
    Shannon 25:08 RX
    Pam 22:18 RX
    Evan 31:26 35#/ 10 GTS
    Matty Bo 28:14 band
    Rich A. 26:54 RX + ctb
    Edwin 22:20 band 45#
    Keith Did most of the work =)
    Josh 24:12 45#

    Masters (8 reps GTS)
    Gordy 19:37 35# band echo
    Lee 22:20 band 20# row
    Lisa 23:22 band 15# c2 bike
    Barb 24:30 15# c2 bike rr
    Deb 24:10 10# rr c2 bike
    Kathy 23:27 15# c2 bike RR
    Richard 25:44 15# band air bike
    Terry 24:32 20# 10 reps row
    Ali 23:19 10 reps 25# l 15# r / band/ row

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 5:30
    Danielle G 24:33 banded
    Danielle C 30:34 banded
    Sai 34:12 sc
    Seth 23:58 ring rows 9 regular burpees

  6. 4:30

    Ben 17:30 RX
    Jeff 17:53 RX
    Freaky 21:21 (1/2 Pullup Reps)
    Eric 26:26 RX
    Kristen 23:50 (30#/BPU)
    Mike M 24:37 (30#)
    Karen M 23:47 (30#/c2 Bike/BPU)
    Yormen 26:20 (BPU/45#)
    Dave 23:37 RX
    Paul Did Work
    Heather 22:59 (BPU)
