

 Front Squat


Cash Out: 
For Time: 

30-20-10 reps of:
Air Bike Calories 
Back Rack Lunges (65/95#) 
GHD Sit-ups 
(time cap 12:00)

 Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead.” 
-Pete Hoekstra


  1. Brian 245# 10:33 RX
    Tori 95# 160 reps 55# /sit-ups
    Jess 135# 150 reps 1/2 GHD 55#
    Subhan 165# 150 reps 75#/situps

  2. 9:30
    Josh 245 160rx
    Erini 135 156 rom ghd
    Katri 85 :40 plank holds DB 15# lunges
    Jackie 175 151rx

  3. Aimee 150 / 150 rx
    Cate 150/ 160 rx
    Mel 145/ 145 rx
    Nikki Lunge 163/ 169 rx

    Gordy 215 12:02 65#
    Terry 85 156 DB lunge 12#
    Richard 63 12:02 ab mat bw lunge 20-15-10

    Megs 130 150 BW lunge
    Pam 185 11:41 rx
    Edwin 235 11:47 AB mat
    Rakshit 225 154 rx
    Keith 225 10:5 7 AB mat
    Alicia 100 155 DB lunge/AB mat
    Karolina 80 146 AB mat 55#
    Adrian 225 163 GHD ABmat
    Leda 105 153 AB mat
    Geoff 305 back squat 10:14 45 AB mat/ ROW
    Freaky 145 152 RX
    Trevor 255 168 rx

  4. 4:30
    Jeff 315/8:46 sit-ups
    Grace 195/ 11:03 RX
    Matt 155/170 15#DBs
    Graysen 90/136 (barbell)
    Bala 125/130 ROM GHD
    Shannon 185/ 10:47 RX
    Yormen 165/150 (barbell, ROM GHD)


    Seth 286/ 10:50 scaled
    Danielle C 155/ 160
    Danielle G 165/177 RX
    Sai 63/ 102 sit-ups barbell
    Sraven front box squats/ 160 sit-ups
    Andrew 195/ 11:51 RX
    Paresh 90/94 scaled
    Greg 245/11:55 RX
