

Committed Crew WOD by Meighan D.
For time: 
500 Meter Row 
5 Rounds of Cindy 
400 Meter Row 
4 Rounds of Cindy 
300 Meter Row 
3 Rounds of Cindy 
200 Meter Row 
2 Rounds of Cindy 
100 Meter Row 1 Round of Cindy 
Round of Cindy = 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats

Community Notes:
We are hosting a Level 2 Seminar this Weekend at CFKOP
Classes on 9 AM Saturday and 9 AM Sunday will be at the Lyons Den - 555 W Beidler Rd. King of Prussia PA.

“Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.”—E. M. Forster


  1. 6am
    Subhan - 22:42 rounds scaled to - 3-2-2--1-1
    Tori - 29:37 DNF on round 2 banded Pull - ups & Push ups
    Larissa - 29:30 RX
    Jess - 29:40 DNF on round 2 banded Pull - ups & Push ups
    Bryan - 30:00 DNF on round 2
    Alex 31:02 RX

  2. 9:30
    Gillian 24:48 rr knees
    Jessie 26:31 rr knees/snake
    Jackie 23:30 c2 sit ups 2 strict pull ups
    Mary 25:56 4-3-2-1
    Monica 25:38 band pull up knees
    Erini 25:17 rx
    Aimee 21:37 rx
    Cate 22:35 rx

  3. 12:00

    Matt 23:06 4,3,2,1m/rounds
    Jamie 25:09
    Evan 29:39Rx
    Shannon 26:46 Ab Mat for Push Ups
    Sara 31:48 Ab Mat, Banded Pull Ups
    Nick 24:39 RR
    Pam 28:35 Rx
    Edwin 19:02 4,3,2,1m/rounds
    Megs 25:39 Rx
    Ben 20:50 Rx
    Kevin 18:42 Rx
    Sydney 30:01 half Knee Push ups
    Keith 23:36 Rx
    Geoff Work for 30min
    Rich 18:51 Rx
    Dave 32:55 Rx

  4. 1:00

    Richard 21:03 RR
    Kathy 21:35 RR, OH Press from Box
    Deb 24:34 Push Ups from Bench, Rnd 1 Squat from Box
    Terry 16:28 OH Press from Floor
    Lisa 21:42 Banded Pulls Ups
    Gordy 12:48 Rx

  5. 5:30PM

    Matt-23:40 RX
    Freaky- 24:56 C2 Bike 2x Meters - 1/2 push-ups
    Graysen- 29:50 Banded PU, Banded PU
    Sarah- 28:10- Ring Row, 1/2 Push-ups with ROM
