


 30 rounds for time of: 
5 Wallball shots (14/20 # to 9/10 ft) 
3 Handstand Push-ups
1 Power Clean (155/225)

Community Notes:
On Friday, March 22nd CrossFit King of Prussia will host THE MALTZ CHALLENGE in all classes, this workout will honor and remember Master Sergeant Michael Maltz, a U.S. Air Force PJ (Para-rescue)

On Friday the 22nd, we will also offer a FREE  SESSION open to all Military, Police and Law Enforcement officers at 2:00 PM (CFKoP members welcome too!)

“You are either supporting the vision or supporting division” ― Saji Ijiyemi


  1. 6am

    Julia 19:10 125(20rnds)
    Alex 23:20 185(15rnds)
    Subhan 28:15 155-2hspu/rndx15rnds
    Kaitlyn 27:47 125 1ab

  2. 9:30
    Monica 27:01 Pike PU, 65#
    Kristen 23:59, 21rnds, 95#, Sc
    Shannon 25:18, 20rnds, 3 strict press 25#DB, 4-100# Sandbag Cleans
    Evan 26:45, 20 rnds, 14#wb, 155#
    Mary 20:43, 15rnds, 10#wb,105#
    Em 18:07,3abmat,105#
    Jackie 25:36,20 rnds,2abmat,135#
    Gavin 26:55rx
    Aimee 25:55, 125#
    Dana 18:24, 21rnds

  3. Nooner
    Keith 16:00 (20 rds/ 185#)
    Rich A 19:27 (1/2 rx)
    Meredith 27:32 (105#/ 1.5 AB)
    Yorman 24:00 9 rds - 10 HPC 15#/ 5 WB/ 3 Pushups
    Leda 15:10 20 rds 85#/ 2 AB
    Pam 27:05 135# PR!
    Dave H 35:35 1 AB mat/ 185
    Megs 25:29 - goblet squat 26#/seated press 20#/DL 125#
    Kevin 35:32 22 rds/ 185#
    Geoff 23:17 5 DB Thruster/3 Pushups/1 Clean 135#

  4. Masters
    4 rounds:
    21 cal bike
    14 sit ups
    7 dl @ 95#

    Kathy 15:13

  5. 4:30
    Lenny 26:16 20 rounds women's rx
    Jeff 24:15 rx
    Danielle G 18:45 20 rounds 145 pushup
    Edwin 28:08 25 rounds 14# 125# 3ab
    Matty B 22:27 185# 15 rounds
    Karen 29 + 5 1-5 3ab
    Freaky G 27:26 1.5 ab 120# HEAVIER PR
    May 28:29 25 rounds 75#
    Trevor 25:05 1ab 23 rounds 155#

  6. Scientist 25:11 125#
    Lil D 31:00 95# 10# 2ab
    Jamie s 32:17 rx
    KBay 31:22 75# 3ab
    Tori 26:20 incline pushup 95#
    Jess w 28:35 25 rounds 1HSPu for 15 round
