


AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
2 Ring Muscle Ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt


  1. 6am

    Tori 11+9 boxdips 44
    Jess 11:14 boxdips 44
    Subhan 14 sc
    Alex 10 pushups 65
    Julia 12+2 RR/pushups/35rus
    King 14 sc
    Jessie 14 pu/trans/44
    Mike S 12+5 trans incline pushups 35

  2. 9:30
    colette 17 4 strict pushups
    Mary 8+ 2 negatives 35#
    Jackie 11 + 4 jumping 2ab PR
    Cate 12 rx
    Erini 11+ 2 44 jumping
    Matt 13+ 9 strict Pullup
    Aimee 14 + 1 rx
    Kev H 12 + 2 53#

  3. nooner
    Ana C 9 Rx PR!
    Meredith 13 + 3 PR!! JRMU 2 AB
    Gina 10 JRMU 45# kick up + negatives
    Carl 15 rx
    Keith 11 55# (Plus Pam assist!)
    Dana H 11+1 rx PR!!
    Leda 17+2 ROM HSPU / 44# JRMU
    Pete D 13 RX (WELCOME BACK!!!)
    Rakshit 11 hips to ring- hspu to box 17" 70# russian
    Rich A 12+2 rx
    Shannon 10 JRMU 1 AB
    Pam 11 KMU (Keith assisted MU) + attempts
    Megs 14 Russian 53# transitions
    Geoff 10+2 strict pull-ups / push ups, 53 # KB to eye level! --> connection lost :( sorry!!!

  4. 4:30
    Karen 13+ 7 44# transition SB
    Trevor 10+ 8 skills 1 ab 53#
    Jerry 14+ 7 transition 53# SB
    Smutek 10 + 7 rx
    Freaky 13+ 1 Strict PU
    Matty Boh 13 z press pullup
    Erika 13+ 5 strict PU SB

  5. 5:30
    David 10 scaled
    Steph 11+ 13 strict PU 35# box ring ip
    DC 11+ 4 transition 44# 2ab
    Greg 11 + 2 rx
    KayBay 9 transitions 2ab 1st HSPU 45#
    Evan 7 muscle attempts 53#
