

All for Time: 
21 Calorie Assault Bike 
7 Bar Muscle-Ups 
15 Calorie Assault Bike 
5 Bar Muscle-Ups 
9 Calorie Assault Bike 
3 Bar Muscle-Ups

Rest 3:00

15 Ski Calories 
5 Ring Muscle Ups
12 Ski Calories 
4 Ring Muscle Ups
9 Ski Calories 
3 Ring Muscle Ups

"But effort? Nobody can judge that because effort is between you and you." 
- Ray Lewis, American Football Player


  1. 6AM
    Julia 18:00 ring rows x2
    Subhan 17:40 MU transitions
    Alex 18:32 RX
    Bryan 17:50 strict pull ups / ring rows x2
    Tori 16:10 MU transition / ring rows x2
    Jess 16:39 banded pull-ups / ring rows x2

  2. 9:30
    Cate 21:59 bmu 4/2/1
    Aimee 19:36 rx
    Leda 19:37 h2b/get out of the pool, jrum
    Jackie 18:37 bmu 3/1/1 jrum
    Erini 19:56 jrmu bmu 3/2/1
    Monica 19:48 banded pull ups, jrmu
    Mary 19:03 banded attempts jrmu
    Megs 19:45 h2r banded bmu
    Kevin 17:11 rx

  3. nooner
    Pam 19:10 hip to rings
    Ben 11:40 rx
    Evan 24 wish - great job
    RAkshit 17:10 hips to bar/ hips to rings
    Edwin 19:40 banded BMU kip/ JMU/ RR x2
    Baez 16:51 rx
    Keith 17:55 rx
    Dave H 23:00 rx
    Rich A 15:02 rx

  4. masters
    AMRAP in 15
    5 Cal bike
    5 Strict Pull up
    5 Jumping BMU
    5 Cal Ski
    5 Ring Row
    5 Ring Trans

    Richard 3+ 5
    Terry 3+ 17
    Mae 3+10
    Lisa 3+16
    Lee 3+13
    Kathy 3+15

  5. 5:30
    Seth 14:30 BPU/Hips2Rig/DipPU
    Steph 16:46 Lowbar/Hips2rig/Bdips
    Little D 15:40 lowbar/Hips2ring

  6. 4:30
    Jeff 10:50 rx
    The Nat 16:34 dips & banded strict chesties
