

5 Rounds for time of:
 2 Rope Climbs 20ft
15 GHD Sit-ups 
20 Box Jumps (20/24")

Coaches Notes:
9 AM Saturday and Sunday classes will be held at the Lyons Den - 555 w. Beidler Rd, KoP.

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” 
– Winston Churchill 


  1. 6am

    Subhan 19:30 15/ab/step
    Bryan 17:10 15/20
    Natalia 22:07 10'/ab+GHD
    Jess :)
    Tori 19:25 4rounds 1climb@20'
    Larissa 18:02 8strictPU
    Alex 17:37 15'
    Mike 19:46 15'/ab/20"step
    Ryan Per 18:52 1climb@20'
    Kaitlyn 19:51 1climb-rnd 4@20'

  2. 9:30
    Leda 13:24 13in rom ghd 10'
    Jackie 19:31 15'
    Monica 21:30 17in 2 pulls up the rope
    Mary 20:00 15' 10ghd 17in
    Cate 22:49rx
    Matt 22:33 15'

  3. NOON
    Shannon 21:54 RX
    Edwin 22:00 4 rounds 15' 24"
    Nick 16:48 15' Abmat/GHD 20"
    Sarah 15:25 10' 17"
    Rokshit 24:26 RX
    Pam 15:38 RX
    Megs 20:25 15' 17'
    Meredith 18:39 10' 15 Box Jumps
    Kevin 15:43 15'
    Jonathan 21:47 RX

  4. 1pm Masters

    Lee 18:11 1 rep 15' 17"
    Lisa 18:25 10' 13"
    Jordan 18:20 10' 24"
    Kathy 18:01 2 rope pull ups **RX GHD's
    Barbara 18:03 Pike Push ups 17" 10 GHD's
    Alli 17:27 1 1/2 reps 10' 17"

  5. 5:30
    Kaitlynn 16:58, 2-3 pulls, ROM GHDs
    LIttle D 16:50, 15', 13"SUs
    Danielle G 17:13 RX
    Seth 15:24, pull2stands, 17"SUs,abmat situps
    Steph 17:14 15',17", 10 GHDs

  6. 4:30
    Greg 16:22 rx
    The Nat 13:13 15' situpsstep ups
    Freaky 19:20 rx
