

Take 15 Minutes to build to a HEAVY Deadlift!


6 Rounds for time of:
9 Deadlifts (155/225)
100- Meter double KB Farmers Carry (53/70#)

Community Notes:
Step up for a Cause! 
Friday in all classes and Saturday at Girls on Girls (all day)!

 Chad1000X (1000 step ups for time) is the workout we will run in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson, who died by suicide on Oct. 29, 2018, due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast-wave injuries, and PTSD. 

Our goal is to raise money ($10 a person or more) to honor Chad’s life and legacy and to raise awareness for suicide prevention. All proceeds go to The Step Up Foundation. The Step Up Foundation raises funds to support programs dedicated to the research and treatment of combat-related injuries while honoring “our veterans and their invisible wounds.”

It's not about the time it takes to complete 1000 step ups, or the weight you use or the box height, it's about supporting our veterans who have invisible wounds and giving back to our community. 

A $10 Donation will allow you to be entered into a raffle to win a GO RUCK SACK, we will have event t-shirts and patches too!

NO CLASS on Saturday 11/11 - We are hosting our "Girls on Girls" Competition. 

“Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


  1. 6am

    Colette 335 6:24 9ghd/155
    Jess 215 15:40 135
    Julia 210 5 Rounds
    Kaitlyn 235 15:00 Rx
    Kristen 225 14:08 135/35
    Subhan nah 15:20 PP@95
    Tori 205 15:27 135

  2. 9:30
    Aimee 205 15:12 35# kb
    Cate 225 13:40 35# kb
    Mary 195 12:34 125 26# kb
    Jackie 285 12:29 35#kb
    Erini 220 11:21 135 35#

  3. nooner
    Matty Bo 405 14:56 53#
    Britt 155 16:55 105/18#
    Geoff 365 12:16 185# 53# one arm
    Dana H 315 15:20 35#
    Megs 220 13:17 125#/35#
    Jill H 240 12:16 35#
    Jonathan 405 14:03 rx
    Becca 125 14:20 25# 75#
    Rich A 455 15:08 rx
    KayBay 185 12:45 125#/44#
    Pam 245 14:07 rx
    Shannon 305 PR! 13:36 rx

  4. Masters PR party!
    Lee 150 PR! 14:18 95/26
    Lauren 205 13:23 135/44
    Scott 205 15:49 26#/115
    Terry 175 14:18 95/35
    Kathy 175 PR!

  5. 4:30
    Karen 245 trap bar 14:45 44#
    Mike Mit 360 15:50 135# 70#
    Rkshit 365 14:40 185/53#
    The Nat 275 pr! 12:41 5 strict band pull-up 10 DL 1:00 C2 Bike
    Freaky 235 13:16 rx

  6. 5:30
    Danielle C 245 15:05 135 35#
    Seth 475 16:13 rx
    Ryan P 425 14:06 55#
    Alex T 475 PR! 12:00 4 rnounds

  7. 6:30
    Greg 335 17:58rx
    Max 275 16:12 185# 53#
