

All for time:

3 Rounds of:
25 Double Unders
5 Power Cleans (135/205#)

2 Rounds of: 
25 Double Unders
5 Squat Cleans (135/205#)

1 Rounds of:
25 Double Unders
5 Clean and Jerks (135/205#)

“The two most important days in your life are the day you’re born and the day you discover why.” 
– Mark Twain


  1. 6am

    Bill(drop-in) 8:58 145
    Colette 5:33 Rx
    Jess 11:08 su/du 95
    Julia 11:05 Rx
    Kaitlyn 10:45 115
    Mark 11:50 185
    Subhan 13:00 165 4clean/rnd
    Tori 11:01 su/du 85

  2. 9:30
    Jackie 11:06 120
    Mary 11:27 95 7 cals c2
    Leda 10:15 95 all power cleans
    Philipp 11:00 115
    Erini 12:53 85
    Em 8:42 95
    Rocco 14:30 155
    Monica 10:48 50 singles 73

  3. nooner
    Matty Bo 9:30 155#
    Taylor 12:03 rx
    Jill H 9:47 85#
    Pam 9:52 rx
    Edwin 6:40 50 SU/65#
    Shannon 15:13 rx
    Keith 15:08 rx
    Dana D 9:59 105#
    Lauren T 6:43 75#
    Baez 10:04 165#

  4. masters
    Scott :)???
    Gordy 9:45 135#
    Terry 9:11 10 DU/ 53#
    Lee 10:21 53#
    Richard 8:42 35# SU
    Barb C 8:08 25# ski :30 seconds
    Kathy 8:45 SU/ 65 PC/53 KBDL/53 press

  5. 5:30

    Danielle G. 8:58 RX
    Seth 9:09 35 secs. SU/ 155#
    Danielle C. 9:20 85#/50 su

  6. 4:30
    Jeff 7:43 RX+ 225
    Remer 11:57 rx
    Smutek 11:30 rx
    Freaky 11:00 105
    Karen 6:00 75
    May 11:00 sc
    Mike 12:30 sc
