

4 Rounds:
In a 3:00 Minute Window:
15 Dumbbell Front Squats (35/50#)
5 Deadlifts (205/315#)
2 Rope Climbs (15ft)
(max distance handstand walk)
Rest 1:00

Record total distance for handstand walk and scales to load and modifications.

Community Notes:
Join us tomorrow for CrossFit Kids class at 10:15 AM with Coach Megs - Kids 5+ are welcome, no experience necessary. 

"Vision is not enough. It must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps; we must also step up the stairs." - Vaclav Havel


  1. 9:30
    Kathy 15# 125#, 2 rope walk ups, inchworms
    Jackie 25# 1 rc, 13 walk ins
    Monica 20# 113# wall walks 6/4/4/4
    Mary 15# 155# 1 rc 34 ft
    Em G 155# 10 sit ups hs hold
    Santiago 1 legless rc, 40ft/36ft/50ft/30ft=156ft

  2. Mark #45,225, WWI
    Edwin #155, WWI
    Kaitlyn #175, hs walk practice
    Subhan #35, bench, wall walks
    Brian #225, shoulder taps

  3. Noon
    Taylor 1rc 9 wwi
    Gillian 25, 155, 1rc, practice
    Megz 25, 155, 1rc, 31 wwi
    Gordy 35, 225, 28ft
    Pam 60ft rx
    Shannon 12 wwi
    Remer 204ft rx
    Nat 12 wwi
    Baez 275 40 bike cals
    Jamie 30 wwi
    Dana D 25, 155, handstand hold 2:57
