

1 RM Power Clean 

Cash out:
Push Press (65/95#)
Power Clean (65/95#)

CLICK HERE to compare to 3.30.23

Community Notes:
Saturday 9 AM class will be held at the Lyons Den (555 W. Beidler Rd, KoP), there will be no Saturday 10:15 am CrossFit Kids.
All other weekend classes will be held at the gym- we are hosting a one day CrossFit Fundamentals Course on Saturday at CFKOP. 

Next Saturday 7/22 we will be hosting the 'Brawl in the Burbs' - There will be NO classes on 7/22.

Mark your calendars for our internal (members only) competition - 'King and Queen of Prussia' on August 19th.

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” —Martin Luther King, Jr.


  1. 6:00am

    King 175 5:27 75
    Mike S 135 7:10 65
    Dana D 135 6:27 Rx
    Mark 220 PR 5:15 Rx
    Jess 135 6:36 Rx
    Tori 115 6:49 Rx

  2. nooner
    Matty Bo 2235 4:37 rx
    The Nat 165. 3:54 rx
    Keith 275. 4:15 rx
    Julia C 170 5:20 rx
    Pam 167.5 3:21 rx
    Dana H 180 4:20 rx
    Britt 125 4:57 35#
    Evan Z 195 4:37 65#
    Em G 133# PR! 3:55 rx
    Taylor 250 4:40 rx
    Meredith 125 4:44 55#
    Dave H 235 3:24 rx
    Phillip 175 5:20 75#
    Geoff 185 5:45 175#

    DB PP
    HPC 33/45#
    Lee 75. 3:36 15/33#
    Terry 95 3:49 15/33#
    Kathy 65 4:13 12#/33#
    Scott 75 4:23 20#/45#

  3. 9:30
    Colette 190 2:46 Rx
    Monica 72 6:05 52
    Jackie 169 4:59 Rx

  4. 5:30
    Ben 235 3:50 hang
    Seth 215 5:08rx
    Danielle C 110 5:02 55#
    Danielle G 170 pr!! 3:42 rx
    Baez 255 4:26rx
    Ryan S 205 5:25rx

  5. 6:30
    Faith 65 PR! 5:20 25#
    Lauren Rambo 105 PR! 5:13 55#
    ABO 95 hang, 5:53 hang
    Jorge 145 PR! 5:11 65#

  6. 4:30pm
    Erika 125# 5:06 RX
    Jeff 305# PR!! 2:53#
    Lenny 183# 5:44 RX
    Remer 245# 3:36 RX
    Laura 90# 5:40 35#
    Rocco 195# 6:40 80#
    Rakshit 175# 5:18 75#
    Sydney 135# 6:54 55#
    Jill H. 125# 5:17 55#
    Joe S. 255# 4:28 RX
    Kristen 100# 6:18 55#
    Alex Tu 245# PR!! 5:35 RX
