

Take 15 Minutes to build to a Power Snatch 


For time:
500 Meter Row
30 Power Snatch (50% of 1 RM)
100 Double Unders
500 Meter Row
20 Power Snatch (50% of 1 RM)
100 Double Unders
500 Meter Row
10 Power Snatch (50% of 1 RM)
100 Double Unders

Community Notes:
We are hosting a CF Level 1 this weekend (6/24- 6/25) at the gym, the 9AM Saturday and 9 AM Sunday Cardio Classes will be held at the Lyons Den (555 W. Beidler Rd. King of Prussia).
7 AM Saturday will be held at the box, there will be NO kids class and NO Sunday lifting, both will resume next weekend (7/1- 7/2).

“Good plans shape good decisions. That’s why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true.“ 
– Lester R. Bittel, American industrial engineer, management professor, and author several books on team management and supervision.


  1. Brian 165, 17:40 1/2 single 1/2 dub
    Julia 120 18:57 75 dubs
    Evan 150 20:30 30 snatches each rd singles
    Subhan 135, 17:31 singles
    Jess 95 18:0l, atts
    Tori 80. 16:45 atts

  2. 9:30
    Monica 45 17:14 sc
    Jill 85 17:44 100 singles
    Em G 90 17:19 rx
    Missy 75 19:00 35# 20 dubs

    Pam 110 PR 20:14 RX
    Remer 175 17:28 RX
    Maria 40 17:00
    Rich 204 21:58 rx
    Britt 100 PR 17:45 rx
    Keith 225 16:27 Db Sn 50 dubs
    Landon 205 18:11 rx
    Shannon 115 17:31 20 dubs
    Freaky 135 clean 18:42 clean

  3. 4:30
    Lauren 90 20:27 RX+ 55
    Alex Turner 185 PR 20:13 50 dubs
    Jeff 205 17:21 RX
    Laura 70 PR 19:17 35 10 dubs
    Edwin 115 18:57 65 20 dubs
    Karen 125 clean 18:00 singles cleans
    Erika 75 20:18 singles
    The Natalie 110 20:34 rx
    Mitter 125 19:30 65 singles

  4. 5:30
    Danielle C 75 18:25 DUb attempts
    Brooke 110 18:45 rx
    Danielle G 120 18:04 rx
    Vi 85 19:00 singles
    Greg 175 19:42 50 dubs
    Evan 135 19:15 45#
    Baez 185 22:44 rx
    Seth 165 18:53 1 min ski
    Samsson 150 20:04 75 dubs

  5. 6:30
    Steph 80 16:54 scake
    Scientist 125 18:18 sc
    Bryan 85 19:00 sc
