
The 2023 CrossFit Games OPEN

As CrossFit Founder Greg Glassman said: “The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community.” 

The Open is an expression of this quote in practical application. It represents the opportunity to be part of something bigger, to spark inspiration, to find motivation to move a little bit faster, to learn a new skill, to go a little bit heavier, and to pay a little more attention to your repetitions and the quality of your movement. You have the opportunity to care a little more about the people around you, to be invested in something more than your own workout, and to be invested in everyone else’s successes and triumphs in addition to your own. 

Sign up today at games.CrossFit.com and then add your name to the list at the gym!!! We will draft teams for our intramural open in a week! So sign up soon!

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