

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 
3 wall walks 
12 dumbbell snatches 
15 box jump-overs 
Ladies: 35- lb dumbbell, 20-in box
Gentlemen: 50-lb dumbbell, 24-in box

Cash out:
5 sets of 5 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Advent Day 23:
Heaviest DB Snatch R/L (M/F)

Community Notes:
Join us on Saturday 12/24 for 'rolling heats' of the 12 days of Christmas WOD from 8:30-11:00 AM.
CrossFit King of Prussia will be CLOSED on Sunday 12/25 and Monday 12/26, we will resume normal schedule on Tuesday 12/27. 

“When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree.” —Vietnamese Proverb


  1. 6am
    Danielle 5+3 RX
    Julia 5+21 RX
    Tori 5 30# ROM
    Jessica 5 30# ROM 17”
    Missy 4+2 25# 17” ROM

    Pam 7+1 RX
    Meg O. 7+11 RX
    Em G. 6 pushups
    Lauren T. 5 stopovers
    Jeff 8+9 RX PR!!
    Jamie 6+1 RX
    Mark 5 40#
    Jill 5+1 ROM 30# 17”
    Lenny 5+15 RX

    Erini 5+2 RX
    Brian S. 6 RX
    Freaky 6 RX
    Evan 4+9 RX
    McHugh 4+8 35# pushups
    Baez 5 RX
    Dana H 5+17 RX
    Taylor 5 RX
    Keith 6+1 RX

  2. 4:30
    Shannon 6+1 rx
    Greg 6+ 3 rx
    Sarah 4+ 1 sc
    Dan 6 + 17 rx
    Smutek 5 rx
