

For time:
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squats (35/50#)
15 Burpees
20 Thrusters (75/115#)
40 Toes to Bar
20 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/50#)
15 Burpees
20 Overhead Squats (75/115#)

“Take one step in the direction of your dreams and watch the Universe perform miracles to help you.” 
—Alexandra Domelle


  1. 9:30
    Jackie 11:18 25# dumbbell aburpee 75 FS TTP 15# OHS
    Leah 13:35 Db 25 25 ttb BB 65
    Shannon 14:11 db 30 ROM TTB
    Mary 12:46 DB OHS 10 DB thruster 15 BB 45 25ttb

  2. 6:00am

    Brian S 9:46 pp/dl
    King 15:52 40/95
    Missy 13:42 20/45/35(ohs) v-up
    Jamie 12:29 30(ohsdb) v-up
    Larissa 12:02 20/35 20t2b/20t2p
    Tori 13:24 15/35 t2p
    Jess 13:03 20/35 t2p
    Chris 13:25 35/95

  3. 5:30
    Baex 14:11rx
    Ben 15:08 95# 20 ttb 10 burpee
    Kate C 12:54 rom and sit ups
    Danielle C 12:52 55# 20# rom
    Danielle G 12:07 rx
    Julie N 12:11rx
    Emma N 14:47 55# 20# rom
    Matt Th 14:50 30# 65# rom
    Seth 15:40 35# 95# 30 ttb rom 10 sit ups
    Judi 13:29 15# 25# sit up straight arm burpee
    Ryan P 13:24 rx

  4. nooner
    Evan Z 15:55 (sc) 35/75
    Meg D 13:19 30#/65#
    Anita 12:13 rx (thanks for dropping In!)
    Alex 10:10 rx (thanks for dropping In!)
    Meredith 12:17 30 GHD/65#/25#/15# DB
    Carl B 9:59 rx
    Rich A 14:53 rx
    Pete D 14:50 rx
    Jess D/ 13:20 75/25/35#DB
    Dana H 15:42 rx
    Matty Bo 14:34 20/35#/ 95#/20 TTB 20 ROM TTB
    Pam G 12:32 rx
    The Nat 12:52 rx
    Geoff 11:38 25#x2 DB

  5. Masters
    AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
    10 Barbell Thrusters *(33#)
    8 Push-ups
    10 OHS (15#)
    8 TTB

    Richard 3+10 11# to 17 box kip swings/ feet on box
    Regina 3+28 ROM TTB
    Terry 4+8 RX
    Lisa 4 ROM TTB
    Kathy 3+4 squat to 17"box Toes to Pole
    Alan 2+9 15# to 20 " box TTPole

  6. 4:30
    Remer 12:36 rx
    Erika 13:31 FS/30#/55#
    Keith 13:28 35/95# ABmatsitups
    Lauren T 12:10 65#
    Erin 9:18 rx
    Jeff 8:24 rx
    Karen 12:16 65/25# 25 TTB
    Lenny 15:00 75/35#
    Jessie S 12:28 sc 15/35#/ Toes to Pole
    Alex Tu 14:48 35/75 Rom
    Freaky G 12:52 rx
    Joe S 13:26 sc
    Yex 11:39 65/25

  7. 6:30
    Colette 8:28 rx
    Erini 11:18 35# front rack DB 55#
    Greg 13:51 rx
