

4 Rounds for time: 
1:00 Handstand Hold
7 Thrusters (105/155#)
14 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.”
 -Oprah Winfrey


  1. 6:00am

    Julia 16:51 95
    Kate 17:43 95 pp/pu
    Larissa 15:18 55
    Mark 21:25 135x1rnd 115x3
    Jess 18:02 45 band
    Tori 18:01 45 band

  2. 9:30
    aimee- 14:52 rx
    Jackie 17:10 FS 115 GHD
    Mary H 16:14 55# 6 chestier some rom
    Jess D 17:28 75 10 pu
    Katie 16:42 75 7 pu
    Erini 18:19 65 some rom chestier
    Mary T 16:14 75 7 pu attempts rom squat

  3. 12pm
    Ben 20:30 3rds 10 C2B, 30 second HS hold 30 low plank
    Em G. 17:36 90#, banded C2B
    Evan Z. 18:22 105#
    Meredith 16:32 75#, RR
    Sofia 14:36 5rds low plank, rr, 20 DB PP
    The Nat 19:36 ROM C2B
    Pam G. 14:46 rr
    Matty Bo 20:20 95# 2rds c2B 2rds rr
    ABO 11:54 85# HPC, low plank, rr

    Alan 13:26 15#, 17", rr
    Gordy 16:06 105#, pu 7/14 reps
    Terry 14:27 pu. 20# DB
    Lee 14:31 15# DB, banded pu
    Lisa 15:47 15#, banded pu
    Kathy 14:07 12# DB, rr, wall hold
    Michael 14:42 30# DB, rrkip swing, plank
    Ina 15:21 15# DB, banded pu
    Regina 14:28 15# DB, banded pu, wall hold
    Jess A 17:00 20# DB, rr, plank

    4 Rounds
    1:00min hold
    10 Thrusters
    10 Pullups/RR

  4. 4:30
    Ryan S 16:53 115#
    Lauren T 16:47 85# PU
    Erika R 8 rounds in 15 mins 1:00 plank 10 seated press 10 RR
    Alex Tu 16:38 low plank 115
    Freaky G 17:36 95#
    John Mc 17:00 115#/ banded pull up low plank
    Erin M 12:39 rx
    Jeff P 12:20 rx + 165
    Meg O 15:15 rx + 115
    Remer 12:39 rx

  5. 5:30
    Joe S. 21:33 125#
    Emma 21:49 75# HS hold (plus plank last round) kip swings
    Shannon 20:11 85# kip swings
    Seth 18:16 115#, plank, kip swings
    Jamie 19:19 75# 10 thrusters, pull-ups
    Baez 15:22 RX
    Lil D 16:46 75#, pull-ups
    Matt 16:34 105#, plank, rr
    Nick 17:00 95#, plank, rr

    Steph C. 18:42 65#, has hold and planks, pull-ups
