

 AMRAP in 6 Minutes:
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20/14")
12 Power Snatch (65/95#)
12 Calorie Row

Rest 3:00

 AMRAP in 6 Minutes:
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20/14")
9 Power Snatch (75/115#)
9 Calorie Row

 AMRAP in 6 Minutes:
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20/14")
6 Power Snatch (95/135#)
6 Calorie Row

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” – John D. Rockafellar


  1. Subhan 1+23/2+2/2+4 sc
    king 1+24/2/3 75/85/95
    Larissa 1+27/1+13/1+15 35/45/45
    Tori 1+24/2+1/2+12 15 HPS
    Jess 1+20/2/2+24 15 HPS
    Missy 1+8/1+9/1+12 35/45/55
    Mike 1+8/1+10/1+13 65/75/85

  2. nooner
    Dana H 1 + 24/ 1 + 22/ 2 + 7 rx
    Gordy 1+19 / 1+ 21/ 2 +9 (65/75/95 20" step over)
    Lenny 1 + 26/ 2+2/ 2+4 (65/75/95 20")
    Carl B 2+11 2+11/ 2+16 rx
    Em G 1 + 25 2+1 2+6 (55/65/75)
    Pam G 2+1 2+6 2+9 (65/75/85)
    Mark S 1+24/ 1+25/ 2+6 rx
    Jamie S 1+24/ 2+2/ 2+12 (55/65/75) 17"
    Pete D 1 +12/ 1+15/ 1+10 Rx
    Remer 2+7 / 2+3 / 2+6 rx
    Kevin H 1+27 / 2+1/ 2+10 (75/95/95)

    Taylor 1 + 25/ 1+18 / 2+ 7 rx
    Aimee 1 +24/ 1+27 / 2 +4 rx

  3. 9:30 AM
    Colette 2+2/ 2+11/ 2+ 12 rx
    Ben 1+8/ 1+9/ 1+12 rx
    Jess 1+19/ 3/ :) (scaled)
    Erini 1+24/ 1+25/ 2+8 (45/55/65)
    Jill H 1+19/ 1+18/ 2+7 55/65/70 (17" box)
    Mary H 1+24/ 1+25/ 2+8 45/55/65 17" step over
    Jackie H 1+22/ 1+24/ 2+12 C2 Mod/Burpee/ 35/40/45#

  4. Erika 1+24 1+12 1+:) 55/65/65
    Lauren T 1+26 1+24 2+6 55/65/75 step
    Jeff P 2+13 2+8 2+14 Rx
    Erin M 2 2+8 2+12 Rx
    Meg O 2+2 2+8 2+9 Rx
    Julia 2 2+5 2+10 Rx
    Keith 1+18 1+13 2+10 step
    Yex 1+27 2 2+3 55/65/70
    Matty Bo 1+14 1+18 2-3 65/85/95
    Jerry 1+16 1+20 2_12 75/85/95
    Mike Mit 1+11 1+15 2+4 75/85/95
    Karen 1+11 1+20 2+5 55/65/75
    John Mc 1+8 1+5 1+11 75/80/75
    Freaky G 1+19 1+18 2 65/75/80
