

AMRAP 20 with a partner: 
Max-calorie row 
10 DB lunges (25/35 lb) 
15 GHD sit-ups

 -Partners alternate after one partner finishes the 10 DB lunges and 15 GHD sit-ups.
- Score is total calories and total rounds.

Community Notes:
Join us for Happy Hour this FRIDAY 10/14 at 5:30 PM at the Tap House in Bridgeport!

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all. 
- Dale Carnegie


  1. 6 AM:
    Group 1:
    Rodd 25#
    Brian RX
    300 cals, 13+5 rounds

    Group 2:
    Larissa 76 calories RX
    Mike 25#
    Subhan 20#
    208 cals, 12 rounds

  2. 9:30 AM
    Alex B/Em G/ + Jill H (20#DB)- "Ugh" 13+8 1/2 GHD/1/2 Situps 201 cals
    Mary H / Jackie H "broken babes" = 206 cals /bike/ row 153 15#/25#
    Sofia / Erini = "greek goddesses" 16 rx 194 cals
    Colette / the Nat - "sandbaggers/WNGAT/ happy to be here" 15 rds 35#/25# 214 calories
    Pete Jess "WGN" - 13 rounds/ 335 cal rx/ situp + BW Lunge

  3. nooner
    Ryan S/ Taylor -> "team same shoe size" 276 cal / 14 (1/2 GHD1/2ABMAT)
    Meg D / Meredith -> " M and M" 177 cals/ 12+10 (RX) and 15#/1/2 abmat
    Pam / Kevin H -> "G-ains" 15+4 266 cals
    Geoff -> Hans solo 9+13 rounds 10 cals per round total 100 cals

  4. FreakY Reem 236 17+10 rx

    Accident prone 230 12+23 will 25 1/2 situps

    3 amigos Karen 25 may Bw situps Erica Bw situp 190 11+21

    Misfits 225 14+19 situps 30

    Queens 256 16 julia 10 rom Lauren situps

    Monarchy 290 16+10 rx

  5. :30
    Gannon 220 12 rx
    I was joking 194 14 Mary Katie 20# Julia 89 cals solo row
    Lil Bratty D 160 11

  6. 6:30
    PMS 170 13+10 Prompt 25
    MSL 260 14+10 Michael 25 situps
