

For time:
750 meter row
40 Toes to Bar
30 DB Deadlift (35/50#)
20 DB Hang Power Clean (35/50#)
10 DB Thruster (35/50#)

"I'm not afraid of dying I'm afraid of not trying."
- JZ


  1. 6am
    Mike S 10:52 rom and knee up 25#
    Larissa 12:30 35#
    Mark S 12:58 rx
    Kev B 10:34 ghd
    Subhan 10:04 40# push press
    Jess R 13:50 25# front squat

  2. 4:30pm
    Ben 12:43 RX
    Julia N. 10:50 RX
    Erika 10:58 25#
    Greg A. 10:20 RX
    Alex Tu 10:31 ROM T2B 35#
    Taylor 10:16 RX
    Emma 10:17 ROM T2B 20#
    Meg O. 8:39 RX
    Mae 10:11 Toes to apple 15#
    Karen 10:09 25# 30 T2B
    Freaky 10:06 RX
    Remer 9:24 RX
    LT 10:35 RX

    Baez 10:43 RX
    Rebecca 11:24 ROM T2B
    Lil D 9:27 ROM T2B, 25#
    Matt 11:18 ROM T2B, 35#
    Shannon 11:43 GHD

  3. 9:30
    Jackie 9:31 30 GHD 30
    Mary 11:35 11 tab 29 ttp 25#
    Erini 11:18 30#
    Lauren 10:52 rom 25#
    Jill 9:42 30 rom 25

  4. noon
    Pete 10:24 rx
    Pam 8:08 GHD Sa thruster
    The Natalie 8:45 V UP
    Kevin 9:17 GHD
    Meredith 9:57 rom 25
    Dan 9:49 rx
