
King and Queen Workouts 2022

Saturday is fast approaching, it's soon time to see who will be this years 2022 King and Queen of Prussia. This a LONG standing tradition at CFKOP and we are so excited to see who will be crowned!

Date: Saturday, August 27th

Arrival Time: 8:00 am
Athlete Briefing: 8:30 am
First WOD begins: 9:00 am
(heats will be announced soon!!)

We will provide a catered lunch and beer. Please feel free to bring some snacks and drinks to share as well. 

We will soon assign "hydration buddies".  As a hydration buddy, you will be assigned a fellow athlete. Your job is to make sure your buddy is well hydrated, fed, and having a great time (you will be their #1 cheerleader).

WOD 1: Storm the Keep

Keeps were the chief strong points of most early castles and it is where the owner would reside and feel safe. However on this

day, the townsfolk are tired of being wrongfully persecuted and they have had enough…the royals are will not rest easy this


4 Rounds for time

8 25’ Shuttle Run

20 Walls Balls (20# to 10’ and 14# to 9’)

10 Dumbbell snatches (50# and 35#)

*there is a 12 minute time cap for this workout

WOD 2: Crossbows and Longbows

Mounted warriors, equipped with increasingly sophisticated armor provided by the royals, dominate the battlefield. For years,

the peasants stood no chance…but no more. With the use of technology, the tide is beginning to turn and the mounted

warriors are in for a surprise.

5 Rounds for max reps

On a 2:15 minute clock, the Lords must row 500m and with the remaining time, perform as many power cleans as possible at

115# (failure to finish the row in any round will end the workout)

On a 2:45 minute clock, the Ladies must row 500m and with the remaining time, perform as many power cleans as possible at

75# (failure to finish the row in any round will end the workout)

WOD 3: Concentric Castles

Castle designs needed to change to help protect the royals from an increasingly chaotic world. With the strength of builders,

the royals are erecting circuits of towered walls that will help protect each other and reinforce the inner sanctums of the castle.

For Max Load

Lords and Ladies will perform the following circuit (Deadlift – Hang Squat Clean – Jerk)

Lords will attempt: 95-115-135-155-175-195-215-225-235-245-255#

Ladies will attempt: 65-85-95-105-115-125-135-145-155-165-175#

*If more than one Lord/Lady fails at the same weight, a tie break will be performed as the fastest to perform 5 deadlifts, 5 hang

squat cleans and 5 jerks at 95/65#.

Final: Rise of the Righteous (top 5 athletes M/F)

The fields are stained with the blood, sweat and tears of many that have tried to prove their worth. Few now stand where

many began and the future of the realm will soon be decided.

For time

Lords and Ladies will complete the following:

25/20 calories on the Assault Bike

7-1 Wall Walks

1-7 Bar Muscle-ups

25/20 calories on the Assault Bike

*there is a 15 minute time cap for this workout

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