

Push Press

Cash out:
AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
5 Push Press (70% of 3 RM)
3 L-pull-ups

"There’s still a lot worth fighting for." -Jane Goodall


  1. Nooner
    Taylor 205 8+5 Pull up
    Nick 135 9+7 band
    Rich A 235 9 rx
    The Nat 135 PR!! 9+5 band
    Lauren T 90 x3 (95 x2) 9 + 5 "j pullup"
    Geoff 160 Clean and Push Press PR!! 10 +1 95 from the floor strict PU
    Evan 165 8 rx
    Meg D 105 9 + 1 1 L/ 2 strict
    Matty Bo 205 PR! 7 band
    Kevin H 215 PR!! 9 @ 135#
    Pam G 130 9+3 rx

    Lee 65
    Linda 70
    LIsa 60
    Terry 80 x3/ 85 x2
    Kathy 55
    Regina 62.5

    Mastes Cash out:
    EMOM for 7 Mins
    5 sec L hold/ 10 sec rest/ 5 sec L hold
    5 Push Press

    Weights Used
    Lee 55, Linda 55, Lisa 45, Terry 55, Kathy 35, Regina 45

  2. 9:30 AM
    Rachel 65 10 banded
    Kate 80 8 banded chin-up
    Leah 87 8.5 banded

    6 AM
    Aashish 115 10
    Brian 185 10+2 rx
    Ryan 185 10+1 knees
    Subhan 135 9+3 rx
    King 135 13 band
    Mike S 105 9+5 band
    Laura 85 9+6 band
    Jess 55 11 band
    Edwin 90 10 + 1
    Mark S 165 9 rx

  3. 4:30
    Jeff P 225
    Erin M 130
    Freaky G 110
    Alex Tu 175 pr!
    Karen M 115X3 125 x2
    Mike Mit 145

  4. 4:30
    Jeff P 225 13 rx
    Erin M 130 12 +7 rx
    Freaky G 110 8+6 pullups
    Alex Tu 175 pr! 8 rx
    Karen M 115X3 125 x2 9+5 band
    Mike Mit 145 10 80#

  5. 5:30
    Mike C 125 9 bent knee
    Shannon 115 10 banded pull up
    Meg O 140 9rx
    Joe S 205 7 rx
    Baez 235 5rx
    Danielle C 85 8 banded pull up

  6. 6:30
    Colette 145
    Matt Th 135 7+4 banded pull ups
    Ben 205 PR! (217.5 for 2 PR!)
