

Front Squat

Cash out:
7 Rounds 
7 Front Squats (@80% of 7 RM)
7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
(time cap 10 minutes)

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates


  1. 9:30
    Kristen 125 6+7 rx
    Liz 70 6+11 banded
    Jackie 145 4+7 rx

  2. Noon
    Rich a 305 4 Rx
    Matty boh 205 3+7 RX
    Evan 145 5+7 Rx
    Dana h 165 5+7 Rx
    Greg a 205 5+4 Rx floor
    Lauren 110 5+2 pullup practice
    Heather 163 5+9 Rx
    Pam 155 6+10 Rx
    Meredith 155 6+10 rr
    Jordan 95 5 pullup
    Edwin 115 6+2 band

  3. 5:30
    Ben 225 :)
    Mak 130 6+3 RX
    Mike C 145 5+7 RX
    Seth 185 6 rr 165#
    Danielle C 120 6 pu 85#
    Baez 275 5+12 135#
    Kamilah 70 9:17 rr
    Leah 85 5 pu
    Alex Brat 90 5 banded
    Kevin H 245 9:38 135#
    Erini 135 5+7 pu
    Ryan 205 5+4 RX

  4. masters
    Mom 37 8 rds in 10:00
    Lee 80 5+5 band
    Lisa 40 6+7 RR
    Alan 98 ---
    Kathy 83 10:01 RR
    Ina 83 6 band

    Rich A 305 4 rx
    Matty Bo 205 3+7 rx
    Evan 145 5+7
    Dana H 165 5+7 Rx
    Greg A 205 5+4 rx + floor
    Lauren 110 5+2 BF Pullup practice
    Heather 163 5+9 rx
    Pam G 155 6+10 RR
    Meredith 155 6+10 RR
    Jordan 95 5 pullup
    Edwin 115 6+2 band
