

 3 Rounds for time:
500 Meter Row 
21 Power Snatch (65/95#)
15 Handstand Push-ups
9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. -Mark Twain


  1. 6am
    Erini 21:53 box hspu 35# pull ups
    Mak 21:39 55# 1 mat pull ups
    Julia 21:57 pull ups
    Mike S 24:06 push ups 65# pull ups
    Greg 19:59 rx
    Brian S 18:27 rx
    Elizabeth 20:02 rx
    Kate C 22:35 2 mats pull ups
    Hannah 18:55 (1/2 c2b 1/2 butterfly practice)

  2. Aimee 16:49 rx
    Cate 18:47 rx
    Taylor 20:19 pushups

    Carl B 16:08 rx
    Jordan S 21:50 45#/5 kick up + 10 pushup / 45#
    Dana H 22:12 rx
    Dana D 25:28 rx
    Pam G22:10 Pull - up / HSPU 1 AB
    Freaky G 22:57 1.5 ab mats
    Steph C 20:51 3 AB/PU/45#
    Jamie S 22:20 Rx
    Meredith 22:06 2 AB/ PU
    The Natalie 24:29 1 AB
    Donna G 23:08 9 HSPU 2 AB/ PU
    Pete D 18:29 rx

    9:30 AM
    Missy 22:04 35#/ 9 HSPU/3 AB /Banded Strict
    Danielle G 20:28 10 pushups/baned strict
    Jill H 20:49 Snatch grip DL / Pushups/pullups
    Mary H 21:48 PVC OHS 2 ABmat-9 reps banded c2b

  3. 4:30 BAC!
    Keith 19:01 PU/ 75#
    Mike Mit 22:20 3 AB 75#
    John Mc 23:50 pull/push/75#
    Erin M 19:26 rx
    Jeff P 16:33 rx
    Meg O 17:42 rx
    Ben B 18:29 pull/push + 15 reps power snatch
    Keren M 22:27 3 AB (18 reps for two rounds)
    Mae 23:00 ski/rr/pusups/5k
    Ryan S 22:38 rx
    Natalie Dentist 23:10 25# 3 AB/ 10 reps banded pullups
    Laura S 22:40 45# 3 ab ROM PU
    Joe S 20:18 1 AB
    Meg D 20:45 slamball for snatch
    Alex Tu 23:44 65#/24" box for HSPU
    Edwin 19:23 35# 5 kick up/ 10 pushups/ 9 kips
    Remer 15:27 rx
    Matty Bo 19:45 pullups / 3 AB/ Hang 75#

  4. 5:30
    Danielle c 19:16 55# 2ab PU
    Baez 21:31 Rx
    Sandeep 20:05 55 stinkbug banded
    Seth 21:42 75 box Hspu PU ROM
    Sean 14:56 BMU

  5. 6:30
    Bella 23:ish 55 banded strict 2ab
    Evan 24:ish 7 hspu 65
    Emma 23:04 55
