
W.O.D. 12.9.21

For time:
1000/800 Meter Row
50 Thrusters (33/45#)
25 Pull-ups
750/600 Meter Row
30 Thrusters (33/45#)
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
500/400 Meter Row
20 Thrusters (33/45#)
10 Bar Muscle Ups

Max Meters on the Row in 3 Minutes M/F

Community Notes:
All classes will be held at the Lyons Den this weekend (555 w Beidler Rd, KoP)
Saturday 7 and 9 am and Sunday 9 am!

"Do not look back in anger, or forward in fear, but around in awareness." 
- Anon.


  1. 6 am
    sean 21:59 rx+
    jamie 21:19 (mens meters, Jbmu)
    Mark 20:36 (Bar row, PU, c2B)
    Greg 20:10 rx
    mike s 21:58 (ring row , banded chest 2 bar, 33#)

  2. 9:30
    AB 22:12 RR, pullup , bar transition
    Cate 22:19 Rx
    Evan 22:50 masters scale
    Aimee 17:04 Rx
    Shannon 22:40 RR, banded Pu , bar transitions
    Jill 19:22 masters scale

  3. 4:30
    Kyle J 18:42 20 PU/15 PU/10JBMU
    Meg O 17;07 rx
    Donna G 21:02 rr/PU/C2B band
    Olan S 27:04 rx
    Alex Tu 8:50 sc
    Erin M 18:56 rx
    Jef P 18:06 rx
    Mike Mit 27:28 "the best I could do"
    John Mc 22:50 SC
    Remer 23:44 rx
    Ben B 23:45sc
    May Y 18:11 RR/band PU/
    Joe S 23:12 Rx
    Randy 23:53 rx
    Marissa 22:17 rx

  4. nooner
    Jessie S 20:28 RR/PU
    Carl B 19:17 rx
    Dana D 22:41 rx
    Pete D 22:12 ring MU
    Dana H 20:52 rx
    Owen G 23:30 hips to bar
    Danielle G 20:12 JBMU
    Pam G 18:11 rr/pu/c2b
    Rich A 17:54 rx
    Meg D 22:40 band BMU hips to bar
    Matty Bo 21:48 1/2 C2B / BMU attempts
    Dave H 21:55 gymnastic reps (20/15/5)

  5. masters
    Row 1000/800
    30 thrusters (15/33#)
    15 Ring Rows
    Row 750/600
    20 Thrusters
    10 Pull-ups
    Row 500/400
    10 Thrusters
    5 Jumping BMU

    Gordy 18:58 33# rx + PU/C2B/BMU
    Terry 16:16 rx
    Kathy 18:48 Box PU
    Ina 16:58 band PU
    Lee 18:24 box PU
    Barb C 19:55 band PU
    Alan K 20:34 12 DB to 20" box RR/JBMU

  6. 6:30
    Max 25:23 hips to bar
    Tommy 24:47 hips to bar

  7. 5:30pm
    Lea 26:15 banded BMU
    Gia 22:22 banded c2b, bmu transitions
    Johnathan 21:53 RX
    Danielle 22:51 banded c2b, bmu transitions
    Kristi 22:03 15# thruster, RR, banded pullup, banded c2b attempts
    Matt 25:00 RR, banded pullups, 5 banded c2b attempts
    Alex Freaky G 23:00 BMU attempts
    Alex 21:55 RR, banded pullup + C2B, 15# bar
    Nick 22:21 scaled
