
W.O.D. 12.15.21

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Pistols
15 Pull-ups

Max Peg Board Ascents M/F
Also receive 100 tickets if you beat Mike!!! 
(oh yeah, and $100 dollars too!!!)


You are INVITED to our annual holiday party, "Festivus" Friday, December 17th at 5 PM. Feats of strength, airing of grievances, White Elephant gift exchange, Food, Friends and Festiveness will all be there waiting for you! Wear your most festive outfit; we will have a meal and drinks, but please bring a snack, treat or drink to help celebrate the holiday season with you fit-fam!

Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom. 
-Jack Lalanne


  1. 6:00am

    Elizabeth 8+25 Rx
    Hannah 9+21 c2bike4pistols
    Kate C 7+17 1ab/rom
    Greg 9Rx
    Jamie 9+10 Rx
    Subhan 6+15 box
    Mark 8+15 sc
    Edwin 11+15 sc FIRST CLASS!
    Mike S 6+17 pushups/rom
    king 7+5 sc
    Shannon 7 sc

  2. 6 AM
    Elizabeth 8 + 25 rx
    Hannah 9+ 21 C2Bike Pistols
    Kate C 7+17 1 AB pistols rom
    Greg 9 rx
    Jamie 9 + 10 rx
    Subhan 6 + 15 box
    Mark 8+15 sc
    Edwin 11 + 15 sc
    Mike S 6+17 PU/ROM
    King 7 + 5 sc
    Shannon 7 sc

    Dana H 9+16 rx
    Evan Z 7 PU ankle pistol 2 AB
    Jackie 6+7 2 AB + 1 plate pistol + box + 15 PU+ rr
    Em B 6+7 23 AB 12 PU/ ball + ankle pistol
    Jill H 9+4 7 P/2AB ankile pistol

    Dave H 9+2 rr 10 reps
    Rich A 14+ 15 PR Rx!!!
    Jill M 12 rx
    Pam G 9 RR 10 reps
    Geoff 8 + 5 PU 6 pistols to a plate
    Jess A 9+17 push up rr

  3. 4:30
    sean 16+ 1 RX
    Jeff 13+9 RX
    12+23 rx
    Alex TU 6+ 1 (1 HSPU !ab 4 SB)
    meg O 13+20 10 ringPU
    Donna 8+8 (sc)
    Natalie dentist 8+10 (rr, 3ab, box pistol)
    Remer 14 rx
    yex 9 (ankle pistol)
    Randy 1 8+4 (2ab)
    Randy 2 * rx
    Will 9+5 (sc)
    Dana d 8+17 rx
    Freaky G 7+20 1 1/2 ab
    Mitt 7+ 5 (sc)
    John MC 6 (sc)

  4. 5:30
    Baez 6+7 rx
    Danielle c 6+15 (ankle, stinkbug)
    May 8+20 ( pushups, RR, air squats)
    Bryan 6 RX
    Danielle G 6+15 2ab
    Seth 7 (sc)

    6:30 Missy 5+20 (3ab, ankle, banded)
    Nick 6+ 25 (scaled)
    Erika 8+5( Sb , ankle, 5 PU)
    AB 8+18 (2ab, ankle, 8PU)
