
W.O.D. 8.17.21

 AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
21/15 Calories Row
21Toes to Bar
21 Thrusters (65/95#)

REST 5:00

AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
15/12 Calories Row
15 Toes to Bar
15 Thrusters (75/115#)

REST 5:00

AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
9/6 Calories Row
9 Toes to Bar
9 Thrusters (95/135#)

"There is a boundary to men's passions when they act from feelings; but non when they are under the influence of imagination. 
- Edmund Burke


  1. 7a Zoom
    Anna C 1+16, 1+30, 2+15 (single 15#/single 20#/double 15#, Tuck ups)
    Theresa 1+8, 1+18, 1+21 (ROM, 25#DB/25#/35#)
    Cherie 1+43 (15#), 1+53 (20#), 2+20 (25#) (Floor TTBs, Mt Climb, Jumping Jacks, Burpees)

  2. 9:30
    Jackie (21-15-9 cals) 1+2/1+11/1+21 rom ttb 55/65/75#
    Alex Brom (21-15-9 cals) 1+8/1+15/2 vups 65/75/85#
    Steph C (21-15-9 cals) 1/1+6/1+18 rom ttb 45/55/65#

  3. Noon-alicious
    Ben B 1+3/1+12/2+5 rom ttb DB's 35 40 45#
    Will 1/1/1+9 rom ttb 65 75 95#
    Aimee 1+15/1+28/2+1 rx
    Pam 1+18/1+30/2+18 ass. bike back squat vup
    Leah 1+8/1+12/1+20. rom ttb 35 45 55#
    Ana C 1+11/1+17/1+18 rx
    Meredith 1+6/1+10/1+18 ring ttb 65 70 75#
    Rich A 1+22/1+29/3+7 rx
    Danielle C 1+4/1+8/1+10 45 55 65# rom
    Alexis 1+8/1+12/1+18 55 65 75# rom
    Matty Bo 1+5/1+9/1+14 rom ttb

  4. masters
    Gordy 1 + 18 / 1 + 18 / 1 + 19 65/65/95#
    Terry 1 + 1/ 1 + 10 / 1 + 10 35/45/55#
    Regina 1 + 22/ 2/ 2 + 6 10/12/12 DB
    Kathy 1 + 2/ 1 + 7 / 1 + 11 35#
    Suzanne 1 + 1 / 1 + 4 / 1 + 5 3# DB FS to 17"

  5. Gordy 1+8/1+18/1+19 76/75/95
    Terry 1+1/1+10/1+1 35/45/55
    Regina 1+22/2/2+6 10/12/12 d
    Kathy 1+2/1+7/1+1 35#
    Suzanne 1+1/1+4/1+5

    Samson 1+15/1+13/1+18 Rx
    Isiah 1/1+1/1+11 rom ttb 75/75/95
    Brian s 1+26/1+2/ 2 Rx
    Meg o 1+28/ 1 +33 / 2+5 Rx
    Nat d 1+3/ 1+40/2+17 GHD FS
    Alex th 1+7 / 1+16/ 1+18 Rx
    Lex 1+15/1+12/2+5 (15,20,25 db
    Roberto 1+18/1+15/1+21 Rx
    Denise 1+7/1+17/ 2(FS)
    Randy 1+9/1+8/1+18 65/85/105
    Joe s 1+11/1+15/2 Rx
    Olan 1+1/1+7/1+8 75/95/115

    Matt 1+3/1+6/1+13 65/85/115
    Pratik 1/1+2/1+16 45/65/75
    Seth 57 reps/39/1+9 75/95/105

  6. 6:00am

    Subhan 1-13/1-21/2-22 pp
    Mak 1-12/1-23/1-19 ghd
    Megs 1-6/1-5/?
    Sean 1-31/1-42/3 assbike/strict pu/strict hspu
    Hannah 1-12/1-17/3 (3rd round abmat)
    Jamie 1-19/1-32/2-6 ghd
    Mark 1-17/1-35/2-5 press 75/95/115
    Aashish 1-13/1-12/1-19 65/75/95
    Julia 1-8/1-34/3-1 65/ab
    Kate 1-7/1-14/1-20 ab
    King 1/1-7/2 (75/95/95)
    Shawn 1-8/1-18/2-9 (75, 1/2 t2b)
    Mike S 1/1-10/1-23 (kr 65/70/75)

  7. Danielle 1+16,1+24,2-.15/12/9TTB
    Greg 1+14/1+21/1+21 Rx
