
W.O.D. 7.21.21

5 Rounds for time of:
10 Left Arm Dumbbell Thrusters
10 Right Arm Dumbbell Thrusters
25 GHD Sit-ups
75 Double Unders
100 ft. of Single Arm Dumbbell OH Walking Lunge
(alternate 50 ft. right arm/ 50 ft. left arm)

(Ladies 35# DB/ Men 50# DB)

“The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning.” 
– Pele


  1. 6 am
    Cate 38:58 25#
    Aimee 33:25 35# thruster/25# lunge
    Sam Bo 27:57 ABMAT
    Julia C 27:05 single arm push press/abmat/25# lunge
    Subhan 36:06 40#
    Greg A 26:00 40#/ 45 dubs
    Mark S 38:37 40#
    Caleb 26:50 25# singles 10GHD/abmat
    Sean F 24:50 rx
    Hannah 29:00 rx
    Rahmon 40:12 40# 10 GHD/15 ABMAT
    Danielle G 33:27 30#/25# ABMAT
    Meg D 38:44 25# thruster/20# lunge GHD/ABMAT alternating

  2. 9:30
    Shawn 33:24 35/15# 10 GHD/15 abmat
    Alex Brom 41:36 30/25 r rds ghd/1 rd abmat/ 25 dubs
    Jackie H 27:24 (3 rds) 50 DU/ 25/20# 15 ABMaT 10 GHD
    Dana H 34:25 (4 rds)
    Jill H 35:46 25/15# 15 GHD/ 10 abmat SU
    Em G 42:00 30# 20# 3 rds GHD/2 ABMAT

  3. nooner
    Taylor W 35:36 40#/ 15 GHD
    Meredith H 33:26 25/15#/ :60 DUA
    Dana D 31:18 4x front rack 25#
    Pete D 37:22 25# DU ABMAT
    Remer 32:39 front rack left arm
    Leah 40:14 20# :60 plank
    Will M 33:55 60 sec DUA/ 25#
    Tam 34:05 30# / 20 GHD
    Aashish 24:35 (4 rds) 1/2 GHD 35# some front rack

  4. Manisha 38:58 25#, 20# weighted sit ups
    Cherie 23:50, 15#, 10# weighted sit-up, single unders, 22 alt lunges
    Anna C 20.03, 3 rounds, 15#, 15# weighted sit ups, 100 single Unders, alt lunges in place
