
W.O.D. 6.2.21


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6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

For time....
10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1* reps of:
Deadlifts (155/225)
Toes to Bar
* in between each set 12 ft handstand walk (two mats)

“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”
– Babe Ruth


  1. 9:30
    Dana H 14:04 rx
    Jackie H 14:38 Rom TTB/Toe to Pole 12 shifts
    Jill H 13:30 RoM TTB/2 wall walk in
    Mary H 16:32 135#/TTB/Toes to Pole
    Tim H 16:21 5 rds 10-->6 105#/toes to pole
    Emily G 12:31 105# ROM TTB 12 shifts
    Shawn W 12:46 185/shifts 6 rds TTB 4 rds TTPole
    Gordy 11:35 185# GHD / Waiters walk

  2. Nooner
    Meg D 10:09 125# 1 shifts
    Ben B 13:30 Shifts TTB attempts
    Alex T 10:30 2 wall walk ins
    Meredith H 12:38 tt rings 12 shifts
    Natalie Dra 12:27 2 wall walk ins
    Pete D 10:18 wall walks x2
    Kevin H 11:54 2 wall walk ins
    Alexis 13:20 155 rom ttb box walk around
    Meg D 10:09 125# 12 shifts
    Pam G 13:00 13:00 6 ft hs walk
    Rich A 12:20 rx

  3. 430
    Mike Mit 19:10 sc
    Renee 11:32 (125, shifts)
    Mae 15:00 (db dl,ghd, ttp)
    Karen Mas 14:51 (shifts)
    Keith 11:38 (185)
    Joe S 14:31 sc
    Roberto 17:10 (145)
    Yex 11:34 (95, shifts)
    Dana D 16:27 rx
    Marissa 11:53 rx

    Jonathan 14:18 rx
    Samson 12:53 (ww up)
    Laura St 15:25 (135, ttba, shifts)
    Danielle C 17:32 (135, rom, ww up)
    Eric 15:55 (115, ttp, ww up)
    Alex Brat 16:28 (85, kr, wwup/ shifts)
    Gia 17:17 (1/2 ttb/ ttp)
