
W.O.D. 6.21.21


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6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

8 Rounds for time of:
200 Meter Run
10 Kettlebell Swings (35/53#)
10 Goblet Squats (35/53#)
1 Legless Rope Climb (15 ft)

"A great man is always willing to be little." 
Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. 6a
    Kate C 21:24 400m C2/2 Rope pulls
    Greg 22:58 Rx
    Rahmon 20:47 Rx
    Brian S 18:44 10ft
    Mak 22:20 (4rds run+4rds C2/10ft
    Mike S 26:19 35#/10ft
    Subhan 26:49 Rx
    Ben M 26:48 (8rds of 200m run, 10 GHD sit Ups, 10cals Air bike, 10 Plate OH squat)
    Michael C 24:11 4rds 10ft/4rds rope pulls
    Kevin B 21:17 10ft
    Theresa L 24:39 40#/Ring L-pull ups
    Anna C 21:39 400m C2/30#/Band Pulls
    Manisha 25:11 10ft

  2. 5 rds of
    200m run
    10 kbs 35#
    10 air squats
    4 pull ups
    20 minutes

  3. Noon
    Goeff 16:54 Russian swings 53# SPU
    Pete D 25:10 rx
    Dana H 30:49 rx
    Dana D 23:02 pulls :)
    Jill H 22:38 26# 3 pulls
    Meredith 23:02 26# 1 rope kip
    Alexis 22:04 26# 1 rope kip
    Alex Th 23:32 4 pulls
    Remer 19:56 rx +short rope
    Sam B 17:52 10ft
    Ana C 22:26 10/12ft
    Gordy 17:05 6 rnds 44#kb bike cals reg rope climbs
    Alex Brommer 21:47
    Pam G 23:50 15ft x3 10ft x5

  4. 1:00 Masters
    Terry J
    Lee C
    Regina S
    Mae T

  5. more nooners....
    Rich A 32:20 Rx + short ropes
    Kevin H 23:10 rx
    Meg D 24:51 9ft
    Dave H 28:52 Rx
    Emily G 21:44 26# rope climb reg

    Aimee 23:58 10 ft
    Cate 23:48 10 ft

  6. 4:30
    Will M 23:50 6 rds 35#/rr
    Jamie S 21:52 5 pulls/about 10/12 ft
    Olan 32:43 rx
    Marissa 26:46 5 pulls /about 10/12 ft
    Karen Mast 28:11 35# 1 pull
    Yex 24:49 26# 3 pulls
    Roberto 27:30 rx + short rope
    Denise C 24:29 10 ft
    Jonathan B 31:48 rx

  7. 5:30
    Ben B 27:53 scaled 1 pull/bike 500m
    Alex Bra 29:07 18# 3 holds
    Danielle C 25:35 26#. 3 holds
    Steph C 26:18 26#/ 2 pulls
    Matt Erbe 26:01 1 pull
    Max 26:02 3 pulls
    Kate A 28:50 5 rds 18# 3 rope holds
