
W.O.D. 5.5.21


 Join us on Zoom...

6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute for three rounds. 
This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. 

 The stations are: 
 1. Wall-ball: 20/14 pound ball, 10/9 ft target. (Reps) 
2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75/55 pounds (Reps) 
3. Box Jump: 20" (Reps) 
4. Push-press: 75/55 pounds (Reps) 
5. Row: calories (Calories) 
Rest 1:00

 The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," or the sound of the buzzer the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. 

CLICK HERE to compare to 2.22.21

Community Notes:
Join us to cheer on our "masters" athletes as they head into the NO BULL CrossFit Games Online Qualifier this weekend.  Rich, Pam, Dana H, Dana D, Cate, Aimee and Jamie.

Friday 5/7 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Friday 5/7 - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Saturday 5/8 7:00 AM - 9:00AM
Saturday 5/8 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Sunday 5/9 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

“If you work hard enough and assert yourself, and use your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your desires.” 
― Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers


  1. 9:30
    Jackie 274 10# WB 17" box
    Emily G 218 rx (a few jerks)
    Steve Z 220 Step up 17" 35# 10#
    Jill H 247 RX PR!!
    Natalie Dr 264 rx

  2. nooner
    Brian H 365 RX
    Rich A 354 rx
    Ben B 234 PR RX
    Matt Bo 266 rx
    Jessie S 194 rx
    Jess D 267 17" step up 35#
    Meredith H 249 step up
    Pete D 269 rx
    Chris L 241 rx
    Alexis 224 rx
    Pierce 243
    Denise C 251 rx
    Alex Brom 244 17"
    Geoff 265 bent over row

  3. 430
    Karen mas 237 rx
    Alicia 253 (10#)
    Joe s 279 rx
    Renee 286 (12)
    Mchugh 205 rx
    Yex 244 rx
    Roberto 283 rx
    Dana d 276 rx
    Sean f 412 rx

    Samson 300 rx
    Laura st 183 (45,12#wb, 17”)
    Jonathan 247 rx
    Alex bratcher 202 (17”, 10#wb, 35)
    Ryan p 307 rx Pr
    Danielle c 220 (17,10#,45)
    Gia 118 rx
    Leah 220 (13” step, 10# wb)
    Matt e 272 rx

  4. 6a
    Mike S 207 14#/58#
    Subhan 280 Rx
    Mak 269 Rx PR!!
    Kevin B 311 Rx
    Julia 256 (MB Front Squat, Bike, Step Ups)
    Brian S 336 Rx
    Cate 274 Rx
    Dan L 252 Rx
    Danielle 298 (step ups, bike)
    Aimee 313 Rx
    Greg A 280 Rx
    Jamie S 358 Rx PR!
    Anna C 276 (15#DB Thrusters, 35#, 8")

  5. masters
    Kathy 249 8# WB/ 26# KB/ 35# 2 plates jump
    Mom 258 6#/18#/13" step up 25#
    Anne B 246 10#/13" jump/35#KB/ 35#
    Lee 180 35#/13" 6#/26#
    Terry 244 10#/13" jump/35#KB/ 35#
