
W.O.D. 3.17.21


Join us on Zoom...

6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

4 Rounds for total reps:

AMRAP in 3 Minutes:
3 Bar Muscle Ups
6 Power Snatch (75/115#)
9 Burpee Box Jumps

Rest 3:00 Minutes between rounds
*begin each round at the Bar Muscle Ups

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” ― Albert Einstein


  1. 33+33+35+35=136 (3 bent rows 63#/3 scaled dips/63#/burpee box step up)

  2. 6a
    Sam B 145 Pullups + Push Ups
    Brian S 102 Rx
    Ben B 108 95/BO Rows
    Emma 101 65/Pull Ups
    Mike C 107 75/C2B
    Kevin B 81 95#
    Mike S 101 Pull Up+Push Ups/75/Step Ups
    Cate K 75, 2BMU/rd
    Mike Mel 123 Rx+ (30")
    Greg A 108 Rx
    Sean F =)
    Daniel 94 75#/1BMU+att
    Jamie S 137 Hips to Bar
    Mark S 116 1BMU+att/90#
    Julia C 114 BMU att
    Susan A 86 60/Box
    Manisha 81 60/sc

  3. 430
    Remer 135 rx
    Brian h 102 bmua
    Gianfranco 100 rx
    Mike mit 80 (75)
    Olan 92 rx
    Jerry 117 (strict pu, 75)
    Yex 121 (60, c2b)
    Roberto 96 rx
    Matty bo 111 (95, 5 pu band)

    Gia 117 (55,pu)
    Marissa 110 rx
    Max 114 (95, c2b)
    Matt e 88 (c2b)
    Danielle c 105 (45, bmu trans)
    Grace 86 (17”,30#, band)
    Marialice 87 (17”,35, band)
    Bhargav 106 (75, pu)

  4. 9:30
    Subhan 78 95# mu and htb
    Emily Gallo 128 53# 5 banded strict pull ups

    Pete 119 RMU
    Kevin H 131 95#
    Pam 108 RX
    Dave 90 rx
    Jess D 107 35# 5 strict banded pull ups
    Carl 145 rx
    Natalie D 109 5 banded strict pul ups
