
W.O.D. 2.3.21


Join us on Zoom...

6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

5 Rounds:

2:00 AMRAP
3 Bar Muscle Ups 
6 Toes to Bar 
9 Strict Handstand Push-ups 
12 Pistols 

Rest 2:00 between rounds

record total reps

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
 ― Paulo Coelho


  1. Meredith 183 (2ab per rd, pu, rom, curtsy pistol)
    Pam G 118 (1ab)
    Dana D 137 (2ab, pistol rom)
    Leigh 176 (ttb rom, box hspu 6-9-12, curtsy pistol)
    Brian H 152 rx
    Rich A 188 rx
    Carl B 186 rx
    Matty Bo 165 (bmua, rom ttb, hspu sc)
    Lea W 122 (35# plate, ab, 6 hspu, 1bmu =] )
    Geoff 161 (Strict pu, ttb, seated press, 3/3 pistols plate)

  2. 4:30
    David A 150 kip seings/2 mats
    Donna G 163 h2b/rom/3 mats/box
    Laura S 174 h2b/rom/3 mats
    Jamie S 141 h2b/1 mat
    Mark S 126 1 bmu/2 mats/box
    Johnathan 115 box pistols
    Roberto 196 rx
    Yex 188 h2b/2 mats/box

    Ana C 162rx
    Libby 150 rr/rom/knee push ups/tucked foot pistol
    Ben B 144 h2b/strict rom ttb/Stink Bugs/Tucked foot pistols
    Danielle C 163 transitions/rom/SB/17 in box pistols
    Gia 145 h2b/rom/2 mats/box
    Leah 120 banded pull ups/knees to baby/sb/tucked foot pistols
    Kevin :) welcome to CF KOP!!!
    Ryan 172 2 mats
    Annette 202 banded pull ups/rom/3 mats/box
    Bhargav 184 h2b/rom/sb/box
    Cate 168 h2b+St. Pull ups/ttb and Vups/Sb
    Tyler 234 SB
    Dan 90 some BMU/3 mats

  3. 6a
    Brian S 117 (last Rd- sc, bench pistols)
    Aimee L 179 Rx
    Cate K 147 Rx
    Meighan 161 C2B,1ab+10#plate
    Colette 154 V-up,2ab
    Mike Mel 158 Rx
    Julia C 155 BMUA, ROM, 1abm
    Kevin B 96 plate+1ab
    Mike S 133 C2b att, KR, Box HSPU, sc pistols
    Greg A 147 1abm
    Theresa L 187 Pull ups, 1abm, lunges
    Anna C 242 barbell pulls, V-ups, seated press @15#,Lunge
    Kate C 166 Pullups, ROM, 25DB, Bench Pistols
    Subhan 133 2BMU, 6HSPU, 1abm air squats
    Mak 170 C2B, ROM, 2ab
