
W.O.D. 2.19.21


Join us on ZOOM... 
6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

Clean and Jerk 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
(with a partner, you go, I go rotation)
20 Handstand Shoulder Taps
10 GHD Sit-ups

Coaches notes:
Shoulder taps can be completed with feet against the wall.
Advanced-free standing shoulder taps.
Intermediate-plank shoulder taps.

Community Notes:
Join us TOMORROW 2/20 at 10 AM for a special CrossFit Kids class with Coach Aimee, ages 6-10 welcome! Cost $20. 

CLICK HERE to sign up

Don't forget to sign up for the open at games.crossfit.com!!!

“The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.”
 – Robert Kiyosaki


  1. 12pm
    Remer 255/ Kevin 12+25 (free standing, 35#, strict press)
    Pam 160/ Julia 9+15 (rx/ ab)
    Kevin h 215
    Juliette 45/ Natalia 11+5 (ab, plank)
    Mary h 130/ Jill h 7+22 and Annette (shifts)
    Jill h 115
    Natalia 95
    Ben b 105- 4 box
    Annette 125 Pr
    Julia c 160 Pr

    Karen mas 125/ Emma 8 (1/2 shifts)
    Mike mit 175/ and olan 8 (plank)
    Joe m 165/ joe s 9+26 (plank, ab)
    David 165/ Jonathan 8+20 rx
    Olan 185
    Emma 175
    Joe s 225
    Jonathan 225

    Laura st 155 pr back squat
    Samson 195 Pr
    Ryan p 255 Pr/ with Ryan and Laura 9+20 (sc/ shifts)
    Gia 100/ Sarah 12+20 (plank, ab)
    Sarah 140
    Danielle c 80/ with Leah m 6+10 (:20 plank, shifts, plank, rom)
    Ryan p 265 pr

  2. 9:30
    Aimee 165# 8+9 Freestanding Solo wod
    Casual Carl 226.6# 7+29 Freestanding Solo wod
    Cate 140# 4+9 Freestanding solo wod

  3. 6a
    Brian S 215/Mak 145 9+26 sc
    Mike S 135/John K 135 8+17 sc
    Marc 225 PR!/Kevin B 175 9+28 sc
    Kate C 145/Theresa L 115 (rx) 10+25

    Susan A 100#
    Manisha 95
