
W.O.D. 2.17.21

Join us on Zoom...

6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

Complete as many rounds as possible in 21 Minutes (with a partner):
30 Calorie Row
5 Rope Climbs (15ft)
15 Power Cleans (105/155#)

“Willpower is the key to success. Successful people strive no matter what they feel by applying their will to overcome apathy, doubt or fear.” 
– Dan Millman


  1. 930
    Jill h and Mary 3+31 (95, 4 climbs)
    Juliette and Natalia 3 (43/73, rope holds)

    Pam and Colette 5+14 rx
    Pete d and rich a 5+25 rx
    Grace s and MaryAlice 4+13 (25 cal, 28/35, pulls)
    Geoff 4 + row (20-20-20 du kb pull ups, 15 db row, 15 cleans 95#)

    Jenna and lea 4+49 rx

  2. Joe C and Amy C - 5 Rx / 65#, band

  3. 430
    Mike mit and matty bo 4+33 (135, rx)
    Olan and David 3+34 (135)
    Grace and gianfranco 4+36 (85,10’/ 4 strict pu, ski)
    Donna and Laura sm 3+35 (85, rom)
    Roberto and yex 4+1 (rx and 85)
    Joe s and Kevin h 4+45 rx
    Remer and Dave h 5+32 rx+ LEGLESS

    Ryan p and Matt e 5+31 rx
    Ben b and Samson 4+51 (10 push ups)
    Danielle c and Leah m 3+10 (85/75, 10’)
    Gia (Emma)/ Sarah b 3+45 (85/55, 10’)
    Chris l and Jess a 3+36 (85, rx)

  4. 6a
    Subhan (135#)/Sam B (short rope) 4+33
    Julia C/Kate C 4+17 (10')
    Mak (Rx)/Meighan (85#) 4+13
    Mark S (C2, hang,115)/Brian S(10')/Greg A (Rx) 4+30
    Aimee/Cate 4+34 Rx
    Mike S (105)/Kevin B(135) 4+32
    Jamie S/Danielle G 4+46 Rx
    Theresa L (Strict band PU,85#)/Anna C (Bar pulls/65r#) 4+45
    Susan A/Manisha 3+32 85#
