
W.O.D. 2.16.21

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Meeting ID:826211138960

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6 Rounds for time of:
18 Box Jumps (20/24")
15 Push Press (75/115#)
9 Toes to Bar

Rest 5:00

Take 10 Minutes to build to a Heavy Push Press

“Success is not the absence of failure; it’s the persistence through failure.”
 – Aisha Tyler


  1. 15:29 (step ups, 63#, v-ups); 93# strict press

  2. 6am
    Ryan P 18:49 rx/ 225
    Colette 11:37 rx/ 150
    Mike Mel 20:20 rx
    Lea W 15:30 rx/ 135
    Daniel L 16:38 (75)/ 135
    Julia 16:59 (65, rom)/ 115
    Subhan 16:36 (10 bj, 95)/ 185
    Kevin B 16:40 (95)/ 150
    Greg A 16:37 (95)/ 155
    Brian S 15:31 rx/ 215
    Mike San 19:45 (20", 75#, v up)/ 115

    Aimee 13:27 rx/ 135
    Cate 16:20 rx/ 135
    Jenna 20:27 rx

    Natalia 18:00 (63, ttp 17" step)/ 93
    Jill H 18:56 (rom, 55)/ 95
    Mary H 16:04 (5 rds, 17", 53#, 5 ttb)/ 115
    Juliette 17:46 (10#, ttp, some steps, 4 rounds)/ 50#

  3. 12pm
    Meredith 16:27 (65, rom ttb) 120 pr
    Sarah F 17:15 (rr, rom ttb, step, 15/12/8) 105
    Jess A 17:41 (55, ttp, step) 195
    Leigh 18:09 (15/12/9, 55, 17" rom ttb) 105
    Remer 14:37 rx 185
    Carl B 12:38 rx 195
    Matt Tax 21:28 rx/ 225
    Jonathan B 29:29 (5 rds)/ 165
    Pam G 15:17 rx/ 135
    Ana C 14:16 rx 135
    Meg D 18:56 (65, 17", 110)
    Rich A 14:58 rx/ 225

    Masters (15/12/9)
    Terry 14:55 (6 rds- 40, 13", rom ttb) 65
    Gordy 15:17 (6 rds- 75, 20")
    Anne B 14:56 (40, 13", ttp) 70
    Kathy 15:24 (6 rds- 25, step 13", ttp) 60 pr
    Ina 15:49 (16", 40# ttp) 60

  4. 7a Zoom
    Theresa L 18:37 Rx/95#
    Anna C 13:57 50#/step Ups/Tuck-ups, 95#
    Cherie 14:43 20#, 14", floor TTB, 30#DB
    Kevin M 11:00 20#,V-crunch, 12", 3RM@110
    Jaya 15:05 5#, Step Ups, V-Ups

  5. 6:30
    Gia 20:02 65# rom ttb 105#
    Ben 22:22 95# rom ttb 195#
    Alex B 23:40 17" box rom ttb 110#
    Leah 21:50 65# 13" box KTB 95#
    Missy 22:30 17" box 40# KR
    Em Gatto 21:33 45#
    Kevin 24:00 95#rom ttb
    Emma 19:42 63#/ 103#
    Max 20:43 95#/ 145
    Matt E 21:58 95# some ttb some rom ttb 165#

  6. 430
    Dave H 18:54 rx/ 185
    Donna G 15:26 (15/12/9, 65, ttp) 110
    Grace T 19:00 (65) 80
    Grace S 18:52 (15#, 17", ttp)
    MariAlice 18:08 (23#, 17", ttp)
    Olan 22:34 (95) 155
    Matty Bo 21:33 (95, rom ttb) 155
    Joe S 21:28 (95) 155
    Kevin H 18:39 (95) 205
    Karen Mas 18:46 (65, 15/12/9)
    Laura S 14:48 (15/12/9, 55 rom)
    Gianfranco 21:00 (step, 75)
    Laura S15:58 (33, 17")
    Ryan S 15:59 (95) 15
    Dana D 17:20 rx 115

    Bhargav 18:09 (75m, rom ttb, 115)
    Danielle C 15:54 (45, 17" rom ttb, 80)
    Danielle G 15:35 (rom ttb, 125)
    Mak 16:15 (rom ttb, 125)
    Jamie S 13:05 rx 170
