
W.O.D. 1.22.21


Join us on ZOOM...
6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

"Fight Gone Worse"
Three, 1:00 rounds (for total reps) of: 
Wallballs (14/20 to 9/10ft)
Dumbbell Push Press (25/35#)
Box Jumps (20/24")
Power Snatch (55/75#)
Assault Bike Calories
Rest 1:00

The format is similar to Fight gone bad! In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute for three rounds. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating, your score is the total reps completed for all three rounds.

Community Note:
There will be NO Yoga Class tonight.
We will be back next Friday night!

“Failure is a prerequisite for great success. If you want to succeed faster, double your rate of failure.”
– Brian Tracy


  1. 12pm
    Pam G 286 rx
    Kevin H 248 rx
    Natalie D 243 rx
    Jess A 164 (rom, step)
    Meredith 200 step
    Rich A 312 rx
    Dana D 243 rx
    Natalia G 195 (step, 10#)
    Micah 248 rx
    Ina 177 (12# throw, 18", 15#db, 30# snatch, burp)
    Geoff 181 (25#, 20", 65, 10 su/ cal)

  2. 6a
    Brian S 278 Rx
    Mike Mel 315 Rx
    Julia C 223 Rx
    Jeremy D 243 Rx
    Mak 214 Rx
    Danielle G 257 Rx
    Mike S 183 (12#WB,25Db,20",63#)
    Kevin B 246 Rx
    Aimee L 258 Rx
    Donna G 205 Rx
    Sean F 346 Hang
    Subhan 209 Rx
    Jamie S 306 Rx
    Mark S 258 Rx
    Susan A 197 Step Ups
    Theresa L 217 (15#Wb to 8ft, row)
    Anna C 253 (Single 15#DB Thruster, 15#DB, 35#, C2)

    Karen Mal 205 Rx
    Jess D 217 (8#WB,15#DB, Step Ups, 25#)

  3. Lea 297 rx

    Keith 244 (20” step)
    Greg a 250 rx
    Missy 184 sc
    Alex 210 (20#, 17”)
    Ben b 164 rx
    Julie 207 rx
    Mae 277 sc
    Sam bo 293 rx
    Remer 328 rx
    Josh mc 212 (20#)
    Karen mas 242 (c2)
    Olan 190 bb pp
    Yex 209 (20#)
    Roberto 220 rx

    Ryan p 253 rx
    Bhargav 201 (25/65#)
    Gia 197 (20#)
    Matt e 241 rx
    Danielle c 167 (10#, 15# db, 17”)
    Leah m 173 (20#, 10# wb, 17”)
