
W.O.D. 1.13.21

Join us on Zoom...

6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
10 Hang Power Cleans (105/155#)
10 Ring Dips

Rest 3:00 

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
12 Pistols 
12 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

“Think big and don’t listen to people who tell you it can’t be done. Life’s too short to think small.”
-Tim Ferriss


  1. 6+7 (83#, scaled dips); 4+23 (bent rows @ 63#)

  2. 9:30 AM
    Jessie 5 +10 75/BJ.... 6 +14 Band 6 reps/Box Pistol
    Dana H 5+4 rx/ 4+5 rx
    Pam G 5 rx/ 7 strict 6 PU

  3. 12pm
    Jessie 5+10 (75/bj)/ 6+14 (band, 6 reps, box)
    Dana H 5+4 rx/ 4+5 rx
    Pam G 5 rx/ 7 (6 strict pu)
    Matt E 4+5 (135, band)/ 3+21 (sc pistol)
    Rich A 8 rx/ 6+12 rx
    Jess S 3 (95, band)/ 4+16 (sc pistol, 6 c2ba, 6pu)
    Leah M 3+5 (75, band)/ 4+24 (pu, air squat)
    Natalie D 4+10 (5 dips, 5 band)/ 4+6 rx
    Ben B 2+10 (band)/ 6 (rr, sc pistol)
    Leigh 3+9 (85, band)/ 4+18 (pistol sc, knee)
    Chris L 4+7 (135)/ 4+12 rx (rom c2b)
    Megs 4+10 (90, 5 dips)/ 4+24 rx
    Matty Bo 4+7 (5 dips)/ 4+16 (6 strict c2b)
    Sam Bo 6+10 rx/ 4+14 (sc pistol, band)
    Meredith 4+13 (85, band)/ 4+17 (reg pu, pistol box)
    Dana D 4+8 rx/ 5+1 rx
    Gordy 3+13 (115)/ 4+6 rx
    Pete D 4+18 (115)/ 6+13 rx
    Geoff 5/ 5 (5 strict pu, plate pistol)

  4. Sal 6+6 (115, box)/ 7 band
    Grace 5+3 (rr/c2b)/ 3+10 (85)
    Marissa 5+2 rx/ 4+7 rx
    Jonathan 4+17 (pole)/ 5+7 (box, 135)
    Tunde 4 (pu, sc)/ 4+10 (65, box)
    McHugh 3+20 (band pu, rom)/ 5+5 (115, par)
    Natalie De 5 (box, rr)/ 5+3 (45, box)
    Olan 4+3 (box)/ 3+17 rx
    Remer 5+10 rx/ 6+20 rx
    Joe S 6 rx/ 4 rx
    Gianfranco 5+2 rx/ 5+13 rx
    Laura S 5+9 (65, box)/ 4+19 (box, pu)
    Micah 5+2 rx/ 5+3 (sc pistol)
    Randy 4+3 rx/ 4+4 rx
    Roberto 4+6 (135)/ 5+12 rx
    Yex 5+1 (75, box)/ 6+8 (pu, sc pis)
    Renee 5+10 (75, box)/ 6+8 (pu)

    Keith 6+10 (115, ring pu)/ =]
    Josh Mc 6 (135)/ 5+3 sc
    Danielle C 5 (55, box)/ 3+19 (band, rom)
    Max 4 (125)/ 4+6 (box, pu)
    Laura S 4+5 (65, dips on box)/ 4+16 (Pu/rr, 1/2 pistol and air squat)
    Gia 5 (85, box) 4+15 (mb, pu)

  5. 6a
    Marc 5+8 (sc dips)/5rds (sc pistols)
    Brian S 5+13 Rx/5+18 (sc pistols)
    Subhan 4+5 (135/5dips)/4+4 (air squat)
    Mak 5+10 Rx/4+8 Rx
    Kate C 3+11 (sc dips)/4 (sc pistols/pullups)
    Mike Mel 5 Rx/4 Rx
    Kevin B 5+10 (135)/4 Rx
    Julia C 4+5 (sc dips)/4+5 (plate/pullups)
    Danielle G 5 (band dips)/=)
    Mike S 3+17 (95/sc dips)/4+8 (sc pistols/pull up)
    Greg A 4+7 (135)/5+16 Rx
    Jamie S 7rds (push ups)/6+12 Rx
    Mark S 4+11 (135)/4+7 (sc pistols)
    Cate K 5+16 Rx/3+14 Rx
    Aimee 5+14 Rx/5+2 Rx
    Theresa L 9+10 (85)/6Rds (Lunges/Pull ups)
    Anna C 5+5 (70/plate dips)/6+8 (Lunges/Barbell Pull ups)
    Lea 7+11 (Pushups)/7+3 (6C2B/10 Pistols)
    Dan 4+3 (95#)/5Rds (sc pistols)
    Sean F 9+2 Rx/7+3 Rx
